Chapter 10: what the F**k!

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Florence's Pov:

The waters burning my skin but I don't care. Singing in the shower always gets rid of my worries.

The song changes to titanium, one of my favourites and I sing along while washing my hair.

I feel thoughts about Andy start to creep  in so I sing louder drowning out my thoughts and probably hurting anyone's ears the May be near by.

I finish washing my hair and look down at my fingers. There shrivelled and pale looking indicating that I should leave the water.

I turn the taps of and climb out, wrapping myself in a towel I look around for my bra. Shit it's not here I must have left it out in the lounge room.

I look at myself in the mirror, flushed red face, bright green eyes, slicked back hair and frecked face.

When I get to the lounge room I notice my bra carelessly chucked on the end of the couch.

As I stand back up from leaning down to pick up the bra i notice the combat boots that accompany Andy sitting on the couch with a smirk.

Suddenly the bras flying across the room and I've let the towel drop to the floor in my shock.

"What the fuck Andy!" I scream at him as I try to recover my towel from the floor hopelessly.

I'm floundering around in my embarrassment, while trying to cover my stark body from his prowling eyes.

"Look I'm sorry! I came to apologise for  trying to kiss you, the door was unlocked so I let myself in Im really sorry..." Andy replies after turning his head away as if not to look while handing me my towel off the floor.

I stanch it from him and rap it around myself , tight.

"Andy that's gives you no right to come in here and make your self at home, might I add uninvited!" I screech.

"Look I'm sorry.. I just felt bad for trying to kiss back there." Andy says turning back round to look at me.

"Well you could have called and apologised, like a normal human, but know! You though coming in here and scaring me like that is normal!" I tell still upset.

"Look ill make it up to some how but I am really sorry for coming in and trying to kiss you." Andy says with pleading big blue eyes.

It's hard to stay angry at someone like that.

"I forgive you but you owe me big time." I say stabbing my finger at him critically.

I feel my towel slip a bit a recover it quickly. I feel Andy's smirk on me as I adjust it.

"You know if you don't go get dressed I might just have to try and kiss you again." He says warningly as his eyes suddenly go dark.

"Uh ok... Don't go anywhere... Um I'll be right back."  I say before turning quickly and running to the other side of the room to pick up my bra and the  jogging back down the hall way. 


hope you liked the chapter, if you have any questions about the story just message me ^


Keep smiling and keep reading everyone 💀🌻

Yours sincerely,

Done for you. (An Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now