I'm Broken - The Truth (10)

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(10) The Truth

Did I mention how much I love the Pier? I could never tire of this place since it held special memories for me. Noah and I decided to hang out here for a while just walking around and chatting about nonsense.

I got a little lost in myself mostly looking at the people all around us, just half listening to Noah. I saw parents with their young children and heard laughter all around me. It brought a pang of sadness to my heart.

I knew I would never get to experience that with my real parents...wherever they were. I saw people probably my age just laughing and having a good time without a care in the world. Many couples were hand-in-hand and the sadness in my heart deepened. I told Noah that I loved him and he repeated the words to me also. So, what was my problem, then?

I knew in my heart that he loved me as a best friend, maybe even as a little sister. I don't think he saw me other than that even though my heart wanted so much more. He had to know that my feelings for him were much deeper than that. We trusted each other and I would do anything for him knowing he would too. Maybe I just needed to come out and ask him directly...

"Ellie, hurry look up!" I felt his shoulder brush mine.

Huh? Was I that lost in my thoughts? What did he just say to me? I looked over at him and asked. "What did you just say? Sorry, I guess I was lost in my head again." He gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged at him and smiled.

Looking up in the direction he was frantically pointing at. OMG! I saw a flash of light go across the sky. What was that? He stopped walking and looked over at me suddenly grinning. "It was a shooting star!" As if he heard my mind's question, I just gave him a puzzled look.

"Kay...? And, what does that mean exactly?" I didn't understand his excitement or the significance of it.

He looked at me like I was from Mars or something. "Are you serious? You've never heard of the expression, --wish upon a shooting star and your wish will come true." I shook my head at him.

He gave me a lopsided grin. "Anyways, you have to close your eyes and make a wish. Any wish that you want and you can't tell anyone otherwise it won't come true." His gaze was piercing my own willing me to understand the simple statement.

I grudgingly muttered, "Kay, but I don't believe in wishes anyways so it doesn't matter if I make one or not." He put both his hands on my shoulders and shook it slightly. I looked up at him and saw sorrow in his eyes.

"You have to believe! I know, I know...very cliche but I don't care. The world is unfair. Life is unfair. We both know that better than most." I just kept looking at him. "We have to believe that there are miracles out there." His voice getting louder with each word. "I need you to believe that things happen for a reason and there's a purpose to all this. Can you do that?" He was passionate about this and tried to reason with me but I didn't see his point.

I looked down trying to focus on the candy wrappers on the ground instead. He shook my shoulders again and then tilted my chin up with his finger so I would look at him. I kept my eyes closed tightly because there wasn't enough control over my emotions at the moment to look at him.

"Please." He begged. "Please Ellie, just look at me." I shook my head and held my lips tight. "I didn't mean to upset you." His voice broke slightly.

That did it for me. I opened my eyes a little to look at him. As soon as I did, my tears that were barely hidden finally fell. He wiped my tears as best he could with his thumbs but that just made me cry harder from the sincere gesture. He hugged me tightly to his chest, rocking us slightly.

"I'm s-s-sor-ry No-o-ah." He was rubbing my back with his hands trying to soothe me. He was so good at calming me down and waited patiently until my sobbing ceased. I pulled away from him so I could look at him.

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