I'm Broken - New Experiences (35)

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(35) New Experiences

Before leaving with Grayson, I needed a chance to freshen up. Stepping foot in my new room, I still couldn't believe the guys redecorated it just so I would feel welcomed here. Honestly, they are the greatest and I'm one lucky girl!

Being optimistic was not common for me considering all the drama that's happened in my life. But right now, it was different because changes were happening and I welcomed it all because I knew deep down, Noah was orchestrating it. His hope that I go on without him were getting easier with these three guys.

My next thought is what to cook tonight for my guys. After Grayson and I got back from W.U...Wait! 'My guys...' Did I just think that? It didn't sound strange that and the mere thought of them brought a smile to my lips.

Caught up in my daydream, I almost forgot about the rest of my plans for today. Omg! Omg! Omg! I shout in my mind. I can't believe I might be a college student soon. Rushing over to my closet in a frenzy, I needed to put some thought in picking an outfit. What do college students wear anyways? Deciding to stay conservative, I picked out a black straight leg trouser, a dark blue ¾ in length sleeve blouse and completed it with a pair of black stylish ankle boots. Walking over to my desk, I sat down and flat ironed my hair and noticed my bangs were long enough to tuck behind my ears now. My makeup was minimal, just how I preferred it. Feeling complete from head to toe, I took a deep breath then exhaled slowly because my nerves were starting to surface.

Forcing my body to leave the safety of the room, I walked out towards the kitchen area knowing Grayson would be there waiting for me. He was sitting on one of the stools by the breakfast counter and looks over at me with a cheerful expression. I tried to contain my excitement but just couldn't because excitement was exploding from my pores.

I didn't even wait for him to get up from his seat because I was already out the front door and waiting for him by the car. Once he unlocked it I quickly hopped in and secured my seat belt but even that couldn't hold be down because I was literally bouncing up and down. He was already in his seat and briefly looked at me with an amused expression because of my antics.

The drive didn't take too long thank goodness. We were finally on campus because a huge Western University sign was visible as we were pulling up to a fairly modern looking gray stone building. He parked the car and we both got out and walked towards the building. I was skipping the whole way there like a kindergartener on her first day of school.

I followed closely after him and stopped after stepping through the doors. All around me were tons of people who looked about my age studying in groups or working on their laptops or just hanging out. I immediately felt out of place. Grayson looks over at me and places a gentle hand behind my back to guide me. The touch was calming and I suddenly didn't feel all alone in this huge place.

He walks us toward a counter where an older, friendly looking man with brown hair and glasses looked up from his stacks of paper, giving us both a smile. Grayson did all the talking since I had no idea what needed to be done. The man 'Bill' gave Grayson a 'New Student' packet and he handed it to me. We thanked him and started to look for an empty place to sit down.

A group of mostly guys yell all at the same time, "Hey man! Grayson! Over here!" He walks us over to where they were seated. The group consisted of 4 guys, again all very cute in my opinion and a girl with flaming red hair. I couldn't tell if it was her natural color or not but it was very unusual.

There were plenty of available chairs at the table so we both took a seat. I sat there nervously looking around then focused on the packet that was on my lap not even realizing I zoned out until my name was called. Looking up quickly, a blush was threatening to erupt because they were all looking at me...waiting.

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