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Jaycee's Pov

I'm so excited! Mom drove me up to the dollhouse dance factory and I rushed out. I squealed as I noticed some of the girls from the show. I'm such a huge fan! Some of the moms gave me my number. There were a lot of people! My number was 374. I smiled as Kayla's mom, Tina pinned it on my shirt. "You're so cute!" She said. "Thanks." I replied shyly. "I'm Jaycee." "Well, good luck Jaycee." She said with a friendly smile. I walked over to where the girls were warming up. I had practiced for this night since I was four! Mom was outside the window talking with some of the parents. She.use to be a dancer. I hope I make it to make her proud. Also, my friends would love to see me on tv. Coach D told us to go outside as the girl who had number one performed. I talked to my mom for what seemed like hours, then Coach D came back out. "Number 374." She said. I walked in. The judges smiled at me. The music started. The song I chose is 711 by beyonce because that's the song that got my mom famous. I ended my routine with a backflip then a toetouch and a death drop. "That was amazing for a six year old." Mrs. D said. She whispered something to the judges that I couldn't hear. Then, they motioned me out of the studio. I really hope I made the team.

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