Nine Long Months Later...

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Camryn's Pov

"Calvin!" I yelled. He quickly ran down the stairs. My belly had gotten big. Calvin and I had decided to get married a month after my baby was born. It's a girl. "Can you get me something to drink, please?" I asked him as I was laying on the couch. "Of course baby." He said walking into the kitchen. Just then,my water broke. Kyla was walking down the stairs at that time texting someone. When she looked up, she decided to joke around. "Woah, Cammie, I think you used the restroom on yourself." "Not the time!" I said. "Okay, Okay. Calvin!" She yelled as she called for an ambulance. Calvin ran to my side. Kyla got off the phone and walked over to me. "They're on their way." She said. I heard the sirens in the distance and before I knew it, I was in the back of the ambulance. The paramedics were telling me to breathe and one stuck an IV in my arm. They finally rolled me out at the hospital. We got to a room and Kyla and Calvin left me with the doctors. The birth was long and painful, but it was successful. "May I have a name please?" The doctor asked.

Jaycee Elizabeth Henderson

He smiled and gave some papers to fill out. I went ahead and put my name as Camryn Henderson since I was about to be married. As I was finishing the final paper, a nurse brought in my beautiful baby girl. I gave the doctor my papers and the nurse gave me Jaycee. "Nurse?" I said. "Yes ma'am?" "Could you go down and get my fiance, my mom, my dad, and my sister?" I asked. She nodded. I gave her a quick thank you as she left. Calvin and Kyla came in first. "Awww." Kyla said tickling her. "Hey, Jaycee. Daddy's here." Calvin said grabbing her. Her eyes were still barely open. They stayed for a while, then left so my parents could come in. "Mom. Dad. Meet Jaycee Nicole Henderson." I said tickling Jaycee. Mom and Dad took turns holding her, then gave her back to me. They went home, but Kyla and Calvin spent the night since I wasn't allowed to go home until tomorrow. "Jaycee, you have a bright future baby doll." I said to her. In the future, that would mean something to her.

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