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Kyla's Pov

Today, we have to go to court for the case between Steve and Calvin. I like Calvin. He's nice to me. He's like a brother. When the judge arrived, it got quiet. I could see Calvin on one stand in front of the judge and Steve on the other in a bloody mess. Camryn is a lawyer so she decided to help Calvin. After a while of listening to the judge talk, she asked if anyone had witnessed any of the stuff that Steve has done. A few people stood up. We each had to go in the front and tell what we've witnessed. Ariana, Sean, Our old neighbor, and me. Our old neighbor said she use to hear screaming. I told the judge that I don't remember much, I still have scars on my back where he would pour toxic on me then whip me. Camryn didn't show her scars, but I did. I walked back to the pew where Dre was and he put his arm around me smiling. "I love you." He said. I smiled at him. Soon, the case was closed. Steve got prison for life and Calvin got to go back home. I hugged Mom and Dad and got into the car with Camryn and Calvin. On our way home, Camryn broke the news. Calvin was driving. "Calvin, can I tell you something?" She asked. He nodded. "I'm pregnant." She said smiling. He smiled back at her and they held hands. "I'm glad you're back, Calvin." I said. "Me too, Kyla." He said looking at me through the rearview mirror. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I trust him with my sister.

Walk With Me (Sequel to Lost and Found)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora