I walk slowly and numbly into the bathroom to find another vase under the sink. I fill up the small vase with water and place the stem in. I look up to see a heart broken and wrecked man, my dark hair is messy, my eyes are blood shoot and turning a dark dull blue, my shoulders are slumped and my skin is illy pail. It takes everything I have not to punch the mirror I stand in front of...because seeing myself I see how much of a fuck up I am and because of me I let her get away.

I carry the vase back over to the windowsill and place it down, ignoring the pain in my heart as I stare at it. The mid afternoon sunshine brightening the weakening rose giving me a small sense of hope.

Then it hits me

We've been trying so hard to map out, figure out strategically and locate through every part of Caine's land to find them when all we needed was Rose's necklace. I hadn't even thought about it before, when I gave Rose her necklace on her birthday I hadn't told her I put a tracking device in the jewel. I knew she would be angry at me if she knew but I had to take precaution just in case something like this would ever happen.

I jump up and open my bedroom door running all the way down stairs to my office. When I open the door I see Lucia, Nate and Harry.  All there eyes snap to me and they sigh weakly.

"Marcus what did I tell you, go rest we are trying as hard as we can" Lucia begs me

Her purple eyes are dull and tired looking, her blonde short hair is frizzy and messy. Harry looks like hell and I can see Nate trying to look ok but everyone here looks drained. Nate has a small stubble on his face, the strawberry blonde hair on his face looks unshaven and his hair looks flat and unfixed, his green eyes have small dark circles under them. I turn to Harry and his face is abnormally pale, his brown eyes look tired and sad. I can tell hope is slowly dwindling away from everyone's hearts.

"Marcus you need to rest" Nate says walking over to me and putting a large hand on my shoulder

"No wait I have something" I tell them and all there dull eyes widen "Luke! Caden! Jade! Get down here!"

I hear heavy foot steps run down the stairs and soon all three stand in the door way of my office. Caden drops Jade from his back down back to the ground and she stands on wobbly legs but takes a deep breath and sighs. She looks better from the last time I saw her.

"What is it?!" Luke asks stepping closer to me with desperation in his voice

"Did you find something?" Harry asks, shock evident in his voice

"I think I did, you all know the necklace I gave Rose" I say walking over to my computer and typing away

"The one you gave her for her birthday?" Asks Jade and I nod

"What about it?" Harry asks leaning his hands on the desk staring at me with wide wondering eyes

"I put a tracking device in it" I tell them

I hear loud gasps from everyone in the room "you what?" Caden asks shocked

I don't answer due to Luke interrupting me "you know where they are!?" He asks and I practically feel everyone's hope lifting

"I think so" I tell them but I still feel my heart heavy, what if this doesn't work?

I pull up the map which tells me where the necklace is on my computer... I thought I would never have to use this. It loads slowly causing my anger to raise, I just want to find her.

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