Chapter 12 - "You have my what in your mouth?"

Start from the beginning

I glared at him. "I'm not violent." I threw my hands in the air.

"Yes you are." Everyone mumbled and I ignored them

"When was I ever violent towards you Daniel?"

He laughed. "Sweetheart I think you forgot about when you slapped me across the face." Oh I forgot about that.

"Forgive me?" I batted my eyelashes.

"You look like a camel when you do that." He laughed at me and I slapped him round the head.

"Ouch, you owe me another apology now." He said.

"Hell no, you owe me an apology but save it for later because we're leaving." I stood up and walked towards the door and as soon as I stepped outside Daniel held me in his arms and whispered in my ear.

"Baby doll, you will sooner or later apologise, maybe even get closer to me. If you get what I mean?" I shivered and I felt the cold air hit my body. Daniel had gotten on his motorbike and I was left gaping at him because of what he had said. After a minute I controlled my breathing and got on the bike holding him gently.

"You can hold me tight doll, wouldn't want you falling off." He smirked and I smiled. He wants me to hold on I will hold on. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him maybe a bit too much, and he started chuckling.

When we finally arrived I jumped off the bike and my tongue was hanging out of my mouth. "Erm...why is your tongue out?" He asked slightly amused.

"Becahh I haff yewr haar im ma mouff."

He raised his eyebrows. "Because you have my what in your mouth?"

My eyes widened and I felt my cheek turn pink, I gulped and it felt like I swallowed my tongue. "I..I said I have your hair in my mouth." He laughed and grabbed my hand leading us to the Boss' office. The Boss was sitting on his chair like always. He was wearing a shiny grey suite which looked really expensive, when he saw me he smiled instantly and pulled me in for a hug. He then looked at Daniel and just nodded towards him. Daniel was still holding my hand and when the Boss noticed he glared at him, Daniel groaned and put his hands in his pocket and leaned against the table.

I frowned because usually he never listened to the Boss.

Things are getting odd around here. 

I sat in the chair with my hands on my lap. I looked at the Boss waiting for him to give me my job of the day.

"Cataleya you will be working with Daniel from now on." The Boss said.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at them both. Daniel was grinning like and when the Boss saw that he was grinning he mirrored the grin and now I had two guys looking at me really weirdly and it was kind of freaking me out.

It's official people, men are weird.

"Why are you both grinning at me like that? Is there something wrong?" I asked.


"Nothing's wrong"

"Everything's perfect"

"In fact great."

They both spoke over each other. It looked like as if they were hiding something. What could it possibly be?

I frowned. "Okay then."

"Your job of the day is to go to the meeting where the drug dealing is taking place. Take as many weapons as possible because things may get out of hand. If they don't pay the money then you can kill them. When this job is done you can go home and do what teenagers do these days, come back next week." He smiled and handed a list of information.

"Finally I get to have some free time." It was my turn to grin.

Daniel smirked. "Lets go baby doll." The Boss scoffed at my nickname and I sent him a glare.

While we were on our way to the meeting I couldn't help but wonder why the Boss was being so nice to me.

"What you thinking about doll?" Daniel whispered in my ear making me shiver.

"About why you call me doll." Yes I lied. Shoot me.

He smirked. "Doll...well doll you are beautiful and gorgeous in every single possible way." My heart was beating fast and I was looking at Daniel with a loving smile. I got closer and pecked him lightly on the lips, which wasn't enough for him since he pulled me on to his laps and put his soft lips on mine. By the time we were done, we were both breathless. 

"I love you baby doll."

I put my hand on his chest and whispered in his ear. "I love you too pretty boy."

We arrived late at the meeting, the other gang were standing by a luxury yacht. As soon as they saw us nearing they got their guns out and our gang did the same. Daniel put his arm around my waist holding me by his side at all times, protectively. I squeezed his hand hoping he'll understand that I'm fine. 

"Where's the drugs?" The leader asked. 

I opened my mouth to answer but Daniel spoke sooner. "We will give you the drugs when you give us the money."

"No can do, show me the drugs and I will show you the money." He argued.

"Fine, Macho show him the drugs." I gave the orders.

"It's Pacho lady." He muttered and I glared at him which made him bow his head in respect.

The guy checked the drugs and Daniel checked the money, when they both were satisfied the exchange took place. The guy kept looking at us with a smug look which I didn't like, something didn't feel like. I held my gun tighter and Daniel came to stand next to me after he put the money away. He was frowning and I didn't know why, I looked at the guy who was now running towards the exit, we were about to leave when the other gang held their guns up pointing at us. I didn't need to think twice and I took cover, bullets were being fired towards me and I didn't have time to shoot. 

I looked around and about three bodies lay dead on the ground, I held my breath and looked at their faces hoping none of them was Daniel. I breathed out when I saw Daniel running towards me, when he reached me he held my hand and shot towards the other gang at the same time. I also started shooting towards the other gang even though half the time Daniel kept pushing me behind him. It was annoying if you ask me.

When the other gang was eliminated, I stood up and walked towards the SUV's with everyone following behind. 

"Doll, what's the rush?" Daniel asked.

I shrugged. "I'm just tired I guess." He nodded and the drive to the warehouse was silent.

When we arrived at the warehouse the Boss was pleased with us and let us leave immediately. We got on Daniel's motorbike and returned home. 

"Cataleya are you okay?" Daniel asked as soon as we walked towards the door.

I smiled. "I'm great."

I opened the door a smile still on my face, but that changed immediately. My smile turned into a frown and Daniel bumped into me. I couldn't believe who stood in front of my eyes. 

I blinked...



Three times...

Nope this wasn't a dream.

"Lucy?" Daniel scowled.

Well this should be interesting.


Pic of David on the side

Confession: I never know what will happen in each chapter, I improvise.

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