"I'm making you food, Jesse. I'm only making you lunch if you promise to answer all my questions honestly."

There was a good 20 second pause. Why was he so hesitant?

"What are you making me?" His voice got deep, the way it always does when he flirts.

"Whatever you want, big boy. Just promise me you'll give me answers." I had my elbows on the counter on the other side of the island. He had his hands folded in front of him. He bit his lip.

"Ouch, fuck!" He winced.

I got a washcloth from the closet and got it wet. "Here let me help you."

"What, no, Dyl I'm fine." He hesitated.

"Shhhh..." I had my left hand on the back of his head and my right hand was rubbing his lip. He looked at my lips and back at my eyes. I could hear his breathing. In and out. In and out.

After I cleaned off all the blood, I looked at him.

"There, nice and clean." I said slowly, never losing gaze. "I don't want to be nice or clean. I'm mean and dirty." He put his face real close to mine and our noses almost touched.

Jesse was sitting down and I was standing and he had his hands on my hips. I carefully put my legs on either side of him and sat on his lap. Butterflies. I loved this.

I had my hands on his shoulders.

"You're a bad boy, Jesse Pinkman." I smiled. He looked at me with those piercing blue eyes and licked his lips.

"You're a goody two shoes Dylan Blake."

Finally he stopped the flirting and grabbed my face and kissed me.

His lips were like the misty air and I was floating. He grabbed my butt in and out of breaths and I touched his chest. He decided to move from my lips to my neck and this is when I was his. I felt his breath trickle down my jawline and he kissed it multiple times. I had to bite my lip to prevent making noises. I held his head and ran my fingers through his brown hair. My head fell to the right as he dug in. "Jesse...Jesse...c'mon." I said.

I had to get answers. Why did he get so defensive about Stiles? Did he like me? Or was I just some hookup girl to him? What was the business he took care of? Why was he weird with Mr White?

I was enjoying our make out sesh but I knew if he kept going we wouldn't get anywhere but the bed.

"What, honey?" He asked in between kisses. He moved from the side of my neck to my chest and tried taking off my shirt. "Jesse" I moved his head from my boobs and made him look at me. "Promise?" He smirked. "Promise." I smiled back at him.

"Good. Now does strawberry salad sound good to you?" I got up from his lap and went into the fridge. He fixed his hair.

"Not particularly, no. But yo, whatever you make for me will be awesome because you're making it." I laughed. "You use that with every girl?" I got out 2 bowls.

He span around in the chair. "No, I usually do less talking with them." He chuckled. "But, the thing is. I like talking to you. You make conversations enjoyable."

"Good." I told him.

A few minutes later I set down our meals at the dining room table. I got us 2 cups of water and watched him take the first bite.

"Jesus." He said with the salad in his mouth. "Eww, Jesse chew your food!" I laughed. I began eating. "I can't help it, Dyl its so good! I never knew you could make lettuce taste yummy." He scarfed the whole thing down in 5 minutes.

"Okay. Now it's my turn to ask you questions and remember, complete and total honesty." I told him. He put his face in his hands. "You have my word, babe." He leaned back in his seat and popped a tooth pick in his mouth. He didn't use it, just let it sit there.

I cleared my throat. "Are you on planet earth?" He pushed my arm. "Yes, dumbass. I'm not a psycho, ask me the real questions you have." He laughed at me. I did too and nodded.

Before I asked about Stiles and Mr White, I had to get Badger and Pete out of my mind. "Are you using drugs?" I stared at his face. My heart sank to my toes.

I hope he doesn't get mad.

"No, ma'am. That's completely honest." He told me. I sighed in relief.

"Okay, but, are you selling drugs?" There was a slight pause but,


I looked down at the buttons on his shirt. So he wasn't using, but he was selling. I could handle that. I hate the idea of him doing that, but it's not like he was some drug lord, he was just selling weed to his friends.

"Alright." He shifted in his chair. "Why are you and Mr White so weird with each other? What were you two talking about after class?"

Jesse turned his head to look at the wall. He huffed and puffed. "You can trust me, J." I rubbed his arm.

I could tell he was uncomfortable.

He got serious.

"Look Dylan. If I tell you, you have to swear on your life you won't tell a single soul. Especially the police." Oh no. "I, I promise." I said.

Was that a good decision?

"I sell meth. I don't know how to cook it, but I'm learning. I'm real good at it. I had a partner for a while, Crazy 8. He got caught by the DEA and I made a run for it. I got away but Mr White saw me. He threatened that if I didn't partner up with him, he would call the cops. I can't go to prison at 18, Dylan I just can't. So I agreed. We rented an RV and we drive out real far into the desert. Mr White cooks and I sell. That's our system."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Was he serious.


With Mr White?

But he's an old man with no life, how could he be cooking meth with Jesse?

"Why did he want to partner up with you?" I asked. "He has cancer or something and that's how he's paying for treatment." Jesse told me. "Its crazy what a man will do to make money. Who woulda thought Mr White would break bad." He laughed to himself.

"I won't tell anyone, Jesse. I just don't want you getting hurt. This is really dangerous." "No shit. I know that. I've been doing this for a while though, Dyl. I'll be fine." I held his hand. I hope he's not in danger or something. I mean what if the people he sold to came after him?

"Why didn't you want me with Stiles?" I asked him changing the subject. "Why do you think? I fuckin like you!" He told me.

He stood up and put his bowl and silverware in the sink. He stood there and hit the counter with his palms.

"I mean, come on! I'm crazy about you!" I blushed.

"Really?" I say there in aw as the toughest guy I knew became soft. "I see your brown eyes shimmer and your lips purse. I go ballistic. God, you messed me up. I didn't care about girls before you. I mean I had sex and that was it. But you? I want you. I want you at your worst and I want you at your best. I want to touch you and hold you and call you mine. I want the whole world to know that Dylan Blake is my girlfriend. I want the laughing and the crying and the silly little couple things. Fuck, you're changing me."

He turned around and looked at me. I stood up and hugged him.

"Stiles doesn't deserve you. He can't take care of you the way I can."

I looked at him and pressed my lips against his. He held my arms as I held his face. Jesse smiled at me.

"I have a question for you." He told me. "What is it?" I blushed.

He kissed my fingers individually sending shivers up my arm.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

My heart felt heavy and my smile was from cheek to cheek.

I melted in his arms.

I've been waiting all summer to hear this.


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