Dad?"(Alex's POV)

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"What?" He almost yelled. The boy didn't realize his tone, he just thought he was excited to see him.

"Dad, I wanna show you something." The father rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'm trying to watch the game." The boy dropped his shoulders in pure dissapointment.

"But dad,"

"But, wait." He pouted his face and turned around with his chin to the ground. He walked slowly back to his room.

The father saw the reaction and rolled his eyes again. Then he got up from the couch ran for the kid like he was just joking.

"What did you want to show me." He picked the kid up and turned him upside down playfully.

"My cello. I wanna show you what I can do dad." Already the father felt boredom from the child.

The boy reached down for the ground and shot up to his room. He grabbed the neck of his cello and got ready before his dad climbed the last stair to enter into his room.

"Okay, so I taught myself how to play this, but tell me if you know the song." His dad nodded and stood there watching his son. He was fidgeting like he was frustrated and annoyed. Then his tiny fingers hit the board.

A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow. . .

They both sang that in their head from their different perspectives.

This is his second seven hour lesson and he's already learning how listen and play. His teacher told him he can be extraordinary if he keeps going with this pace. And he wants to. He really really wants to. It makes him happier than video games. Happier than tv. Happier than the bullies at school talking about how small he is or how much of a nerd or geek he is. Or why he won't run with the big boys. Or why he never plays outside.

The father just stands there bored out of his mind. Wondering why this is even a thing. He can't hear the difference between each notes, but he sees the change in his fingers. He just wants to go back watching the game. He's stuck here with this boy who doesn't understand that boys do sports not whatever the hell this is. He thinks this is a disgrace to him. And the other one too. He's playing the bigger one and the most annoying. Carrying in and out of the house. Trying stuff it into the car. Who the hell told them they can even play an instrument? He told them sports. Sports is what they should do. But guess what sports the youngest chooses. Golf, that's not even a sport. At least the oldest chose football. His dad is almost proud of him.

"Done, did you like it dad?" His bright eyes could light up the whole world.

"Yeah, son. It was nice."

"Okay, do you wanna hear something else?"

"No, I don't want to barge into your practice." The little boy realized what his dad was trying to do. He looked down at the cello on the floor and the bow in his hand. He stole a look through his eyelashes at his dad.

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