No, You're The One I Hate

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I didn't care what was going on today.

No one can ruin my mood. I am a badass and I don't care what anyone thinks.

It was sunny and fifty degrees. Finally I can see a light at the end of the tunnel that leads to summer.

I found my most expensive pair of sunglasses and found my most expensive purse and matched them with my most expensive boots and most expensive watch. I never got to dress like I wanted to. But now there are no rules. I can dress in the sluttiest dress and not get scolded about it.

And then I walked into the office. There were a group of teachers talking about my 'horrifying mistake'. So I flicked them off as I crossed them. I didn't have to look at them to know that they were embarrassed and red faced.

I went into my office and picked up the rest of my stuff, but I had to go talk to the students before I stepped out of here for last time.

"So you guys know that I quit for several different reasons. Some rumors some facts but I just want to tell you guys that you are the best group of students I have ever had. And I'm being serious. You guys are so much more different than any other group I've ever had. It's like I've connected with you guys more. And I've shared things with you guys that I would never share with anyone else."

"Are you sure about that?" Victoria creeped from the other side of the room.

"Shut the fuck up Victoria."

"Giulianna, I'm serious. Have you told them everything?" I turned to her.

"I'm trying to wish my boys a good luck and a happy good riddance. Can you leave me in peace?"

"I was looking through everyone's files yesterday, refreshing myself of all of the important history and I stumbled upon one with an empty name. No one had ever checked it because the stickers were still sealing it shut."

"Okay, why does that pertain to me?"

"It gave an exact description of you Giuls." No, the file I'm registered with is basically empty she doesn't know what she's talking about. "You're the only person I know that has red hair."

"Victoria, can we discuss this like later."

"It's just that your family has a history of abuse because of your father and then clearly he became an Other when you were fifteen. And then you and you're father went MIA for a while." How the hell did she know that? No one knows that except my family. And Jake. And Alex. Too many people know.

"We went on vacation."

"For two months?" Her long legs moved slowly towards me.

"Yeah so?"

"I did some research and the day you 'came back' was the day that one of the biggest warehouses in Territory 20, where you lived was found and all of the victims were taken to hospitals. It turns out you were in the hospital that day too."

"I got sick from being in another country." I felt weak and anxious.

"Does sick mean being diagnosed with physical assault and mental instability?"

"My plane could've crashed."

"Giulianna, just stop making up excuses."

"Why would I make up excuses for the history that you're accusing me of? I never went through that. The only true part about that whole story is that my dad was crazy."

"Because you're hiding something."

"And what would I be hiding?" She half-smiled and raked her hair back. She was close enough that I could feel her hot breath on my forehead.

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