Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready to... Oh hi Hanna," Harry said as he came out of my room with his bag in his hand.

"Hi Harry," she said as she blushed, embarassed that someone has caught us kissing in the middle of the large hotel room. I pecked her on the cheek, putting a protective arm around her to make her feel safe, something i found myself doing quite often.

"Niall, you ready to go?"

"Yeah," i nodded my head, not too excited to leave Hanna with the rest of the lads but determined to get Andy back. "Are you sure you're going to be fine on your own?"

She nodded her head. "I'll just go out shopping or something. I'll be fine."

"I'll call Liam to keep her company."

I turned toward Harry, who's face was flushed and his hair was going in every direction. He was taking this harder than i was and it took me now to realize it. He was missing Andy like she was his. He took out his phone and in a few minutes, Liam was walking through the front door of the suite. 

"Good to see you Hanna," he said before he took her into a friendly hug. It was good to know that she got on with the lads as well as me.

"Same with you Liam," she said as she released him from the hug. 

"She's in good hands with me, Niall. I won't let Louis get to her."

"Hey," i heard Louis' pitched voice say. "I heard that."

Hanna just giggled and turned back to me.

"See? Fine."

I sighed. "Alright. I'll be back tomorrow." I kissed her on her forehead before kissing her on the lips one last time. "And then the fun will begin."

"Are you sure we'll find her?"

Harry and I were still on the plane, minutes from landing back in London. He was messing with his fingers as well as running his hands through his hair in frustration. Harry was a wreck and it surprised me that he didn't even think of hiding it. Harry was always one who usually takes action without any hesitation. And now seeing him like this, this was a whole new level for Harry, a whole new side that no one has ever seen before.

"Harry, we'll find her. Stop stressing."

"Why aren't you stressing? You should be stressing."

"Because this isn't the way to handle this type of situation."

"SItuation? Niall, she walked out on us. She didn't even say a goodbye."

"Obviously she did because her scent led into your room and then back to mine before she left out the window. She said goodbye Harry."

He lights for the seatbelts flashed on telling us that were were about to land. Doing what it told us, we put our seat belts on and waited for the rocky landing that planes usually took when landing a plane. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Getting off of the plane seemed to be a challenged since everyone knew Harry and I were coming back home. What i didn't expect was to be able to still smell Andy's scent even though it was a little bit faded. I pulled Harry along, being as we would have to do this together. 

"Are we getting a car?"

"I guess but you're driving. I won't be able to smell her if i drive."

He nodded his head and went to the car park, getting his black Range Rover and pulling up next to me so i could put our stuff in the back.

"I would say that you should go home and i find her on foot but i don't think-"

"I'm coming with," he cut in.

"That's what i thought," i said as i rolled my eyes and he took off. I rolled my window down, trying to get every little smell i could of her fading scent. It wasn't as fresh as i thought it would be. And then something weird started to happen. As i smelled her, i could actually see and hear what she was doing at that exact spot.

"She... she was alone," i said as i focused harder on her smell.

"Well we figure that much."

"No... she... she was meeting someone. Slow down a bit."

Listening to my command, Harry began to slow down the car but still reach the speeding limit. 

"Turn right," i said as the scent began to fade to the right. 

The street was small and looked kind of vacant. But of course looks can be deciving. The houses here were nice and kept in good condition. It seemed as though rich doctors and lawyers would live here. But why was she going here? Andy, what were you doing? As we got farther down the street, i could make out another body that had joined her in her journey to wherever she was going. The hair was long and wavy as well as dark, almost black. The skin was pale and the figure was skinny but had some shape to it. As i focused on the person, something in the back of my head told me that i knew this person but i couldn't tell where and how i would see this person if i knew them. Something was wrong and i didn't like where this was going.

"Anything," Harry asked as we continued down the road. 

"She... she's with some girl. Someone with dark hair and pale skin and-"

Right then it hit me. How could i have not thought about that before? But how would Andy know who she was? She had no contact with her whatsoever so this didn't make sense to me.

"Niall? What are you smelling?"

"Jillian has her."

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now