[16] The ferris wheel

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you like it?"

"Did I ever tell you my second language is Spanish?" I laughed, "Maybe we should keep to English for today to avoid any confusion." I grinned.

"I'm pretty sure I failed Spanish throughout high school, so you're right." He told me, "C'mon let's get going. I can see you're about to burst from excitement," he laughed, opening the passenger door for me.

This should be great.


Almost instantly, the sweet smell of warm donuts, candy floss, sweet popcorn and all sorts hit me, bringing back memories from when we'd visit the annual fair with both of our parents. Those were the good times.

All around, the vivid colors from all the rides created a sort of surreal environment, like a dream. A dream that ended when I felt a tap on my arm.

"Did you hear any of that?" Isiah asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"No, sorry, can you say it again?" I said, feeling my cheeks redden with embarrassment.

The worried expression did not leave his face for one moment, "I was just saying, we should stick to the smaller rides first."

"Are you afraid?" I mocked him.

He stopped in his tracks and gave me the most carefree look he could muster, "I am not afraid of anything... apart from you when you get mad."

"Oh, hush." I brushed him off and continued to walk, "We'll stick to the smaller rides, don't you worry."

"Aren't you just the sweetest?"  he beamed,  returning to his usual bubbly self, "Can we start with that haunted house ride over there?"

When my eyes caught where his finger was extended towards, a lump formed in my throat. The images plastered on the front on the ride would tell anyone with a working sense to stay away, but knowing Isiah, he probably wouldn't find it scary at all.

I knew haunted houses usually consisted of tacky garments and programmed screams from tin-foil robots but I had my excuses. As a child, Giselle loved all the scary things whether it be the music, the dolls, the movies and even the holiday - she was halloween crazy. I, on the other hand, was afraid of my own shadow. Going into a haunted house was a big step for me and, well, when I did It turned out they'd just added in the new feature of live actors pretending to be zombies or victims.

One guy grabbed me and screamed at me and the next thing I did was kick him directly in the groin. It didn't exactly end well for the guy, either.

"You want to?" I asked him one more time.

When he nodded and dashed forwards, I had no chance to change my mind. Instead, I was left to trail behind him with the fear of being attacked fresh in my mind.

The moment the ride began, we were submerged in darkness with the unknown fear of what may have been lurking around every corner. Isiah stayed silent, adamant that he wouldn't be afraid but I felt myself flinch everytime I felt a fake spider web or heard the distant sound of voices. The vulgar noises of screaming became louder as we progressed through the ride, so much so that I gasped loud enough for Isiah to hear.

"Are you scared?" He asked me, automatically placing his hands on top of mine. I wanted to react to his touch but I didn't have a chance because the sound of a wolf howl caused me to scream. Like actually scream.

Isiah obviously laughed but it faded out when the cart came to an eventual stop. "S, why'd you come on the ride if you're afraid?" He asked moments later.

"For you! You looked like you really wanted to go on and I didn't want to be a killjoy."

He squeezed my hand a little tighter and whilst it was funny to him, he also looked guilty. "That's so cute of you but your hands are shaking and you look just about ready to throw up, you didn't have to put yourself through that just to make me happy." He chuckled.

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