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Tom: Seriously man how do you get so ripped?

Jack: it's all in the genes and of course working out ;)

Tom: yeah but still! I've been trying to get as fit as you but I haven't managed it

Jack: you should be happy with your own body fam

Tom: easy for you to say when you look like a walking chocolate Adonis

Jack: hahaha stop being so gay :D

Tom: can't help my insecurities :(

Jack: seriously dude, you're rocking it, you've even got Lily Scotch to go on a date with you! :p

Tom: everyone knows Lily Scotch only likes black guys, for all I know she's using me to get to you

Jack: you're black enough!

Tom: I'm white as the damn snow

Jack: see close enough ahah

Tom: whatever man, so gym on Friday?

Jack: yeah Bruv

Tom begins scrolling through Instagram to see chiselled men with six packs and glistening hairless tan skin o his timeline. He knew he would never be the chiselled chocolate build of Jack or even the slightly smaller but still muscular Connor. No, he'd always be scrawny pale Tom and no girl would intentionally want to be with him. Every six pack and bulging muscle sheared a tiny bit of his confidence.

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