Chapter 5 (Felicity's POV)

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Finally I was done. It had been hard work, but I had managed to get rid of all the dust and cobwebs that had formerly occupied my temporary sleeping area. It was definitely worth it though, the wallpaper and the furniture in the room definitely looked much brighter. Deciding that I deserved a bit of a treat, I headed out of my room to go explore the city a little. However, just before I reached the door, Lady Tramurn stopped me,

"Where are you off to young lady?" She asked, almost accusingly.
"Oh, um, you know, just heading out for a little while to get some fresh air and stuff," I replied, lowering my head sheepishly.

Lady Tramurn had that effect on me. She was the sort of person that could make even the most stubborn criminal in court plead guilty and beg for mercy. 

"Oh really! That's nice," she remarked, smiling a fake, plastered-on smile. "But don't you have some work to do? Like your room for example, it's practically filthy! And-"
"Oh I already did that!" I interrupted her, walking through the front door and past her surprised expression. She definitely wasn't expecting my reply. According to Deea and a tourist pamphlet, there was a cool shopping centre and cafe a short walk nearby from Lady Tramurn's house, so I decided to head there.

Upon arriving at "SF Plaza" I realized that I didn't have my purse. "Oh well," I thought. "The cafe can wait for another day, but I can still browse the shops!" So to the shops I went!

I hadn't been looking around for very long before I saw a poster that caught my attention. It read like this:

Lucky Cat Masquerade ball!
What: Come and enjoy a great night of entertainment at the Lucky Cat Cafe's first ever masquerade ball! Prizes for best dressed!
When: Starts 6:00PM, Wednesday 24th September
Where: Lucky Cat Cafe
Who: Anyone who wants to!
Dress code: Masquerade and Fancy dress style!

Now this sounded fun. There were flyers of it underneath, so I ripped one off, and after I explored the shops a little more, I took the flyer home to show Lady Tramurn, Araminta and Delilah.

When I got back, the two sisters were in the living room for once, (they usually secluded themselves in their bedroom). Araminta, whom I (correctly) assumed was the one in the green dress, was drawing a vase of flowers, and Delilah, whom I guessed was the other in the mauve dress, was exercising her vocal chords on her karaoke machine. Neither of them were very good at it I must say. Lady Tramurn, who had been observing her daughters from a nearby armchair, rose to her feet when I came in.

"Well, enjoy your little outing?" she asked. Though her face did not show sincerity in her words.
"Yeah, did you bring us anything?" asked Delilah, putting down her microphone as Araminta put down her pencil.

"Well, no," I answered, rubbing the back of my neck. "But I did find this!" I added, brandishing the flyer to them.

Araminta gasped when she saw the title. "Give me that!" she ordered, snatching the piece of paper out of my hand. Delilah looked over her shoulder and they both read it eagerly.

"Look at this mother!" the two of them squealed. Jumping up and down with excitement as they gave it to Lady Tramurn, who read over it totally unenthusiastically.

"It's at the Lucky Cat Cafe!" cried Araminta joyously. "That almost completely definitely means-"

"HIRO HAMADA'S GOING TO BE THERE!" she and her sister finished together, squealing some more.

"Um, who's Hiro Hamada?" I asked, breaking their moment of intense fangirling.

"Ohmygod, I can't believe you don't know! He's only like, the most cutest smartest awesomest dreamiest coolest most talked about teen in San Fransokyo ever!" Delilah managed to tell me all in one breath.

"Hmm, well it would be nice if I had at least one of my precious daughters find herself a respectable young gentleman." Lady Tramurn thought out loud. "Araminta, Delilah, go upstairs and find the best outfits you have at once!"

"Yes mother!" They chorused, running up the stairs and still giggling to themselves with excitement."

"And where do you think you're going?" Lady Tramurn asked me for the second time that day, when I too started to head upstairs to find some clothes for Wednesday.

"You know, going to find some good clothes for me!" I responded, a little surprised at being stopped.

"Oh no you're not! You have some work to do! This room and the dining room are filthy! I want both of them cleaned at once!" she instructed sternly, though the rooms were much cleaner than any room I had seen before!

Were her orders never finished for me? Still, I wanted to stay in her good books, so without saying anything more, I got some cleaning materials and began work.

(A/N: And there you go! Another chapter! I hope you're not finding it too long. I'm not sure whether to keep updating or not because I don't know how much any people still read it.)

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