Chapter 4 (Hiro's POV)

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"Is there something you'd like to share with the class Miss Miyazaki?" (A/N: I found out from the Disney Wiki that Honey Lemon's name in the original Big Hero 6 manga was Aiko Miyazaki)

Honey Lemon's snapped to attention, blushing cherry red as the teacher called her out. She had been whispering to Gogo, Fred and Wasabi during a lecture, which was unusual for her. For any of us really, no matter how boring the lesson might be.

"Er, um, sorry Mr. Sashima." Honey stuttered, not making eye contact with the teacher. After that all of the students in the class were completely quiet as Mr Sashima explained about soft and hard robotics. However I couldn't completely focus my mind on the subject after Honey Lemon's strange behaviour.

(Time skip to after class, in the gardens of SFIT)
"So Honey, what were you and the others discussing in class?" I asked her as soon as I got the chance.

"Nothing, nothing at all really!" she replied, almost a little too quickly, and tried to give me an 'innocent' smile.

I raised an eyebrow. "I know that look," I told her. "I invented that look."

"Well, we were thinking that, well," Honey Lemon started nervously, but was interrupted by Gogo, who obviously wanted to get straight to the point:
"We were thinking that you should meet some other girls, and maybe find yourself a girlfriend."

"WHAT?" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe that they were still talking about it!

"You're growing up Hiro," Wasabi added. "We're not saying you have to get a girlfriend, but maybe try."

"No way." I told them firmly. "I don't have time! I don't know how! I just don't want to!"
"I'm too shy." I added in a very small voice.

"It'll be cool, dude!" persisted Fred, but nothing was changing my mind. And luckily for me, the subject was dropped for the rest of the day. However, when I got back home from SFIT a couple of days later, that same topic came back to haunt me:

"Hey Hiro!" Aunt Cass greeted me cheerfully. "How was school today?"
(A/N: I know SFIT isn't exactly school, but idk what else to call it)

"Not bad!" I replied. "You seem happy. Anything special going on?"

"Oh there is!" she answered excitedly. "I recently had the most brilliant idea! I thought that the Lucky Cat Cafe should have a sort of disco! With lots of dancing and costumes and everything like that!"

I wasn't into dancing that much. "Really? So you totally just came up with this idea by yourself?" I asked.

Aunt Cass blushed slightly. "Well I did have a little help..." she said.

My face immediately clouded over. "Honey Lemon and the others helped you didn't they?"

"Yeah," she replied sheepishly. "I've already put up posters around the city. How'd you guess?"

"Call it an instinct,' I responded, as I headed up the stairs to my bedroom to ponder my soon to be impending doom.

One Shoe In San Fransokyo (A BH6 Cinderella story) (entered in #Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now