Every good book has a happy end.

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Two years later, Maldives.

Lina Davis's POV:

The formal reception is held beneath a white tent decorated with vintage chandeliers, candles, and string lights. Purple flower centerpieces decorated the tables. Astonishingly white table-cloths, thousand worth table settings and a single diamond in each of the flower arrangements. Everything is designed to perfection for my best friends wedding. Nope, not mine and Chase's like you all probably would have imagined. We are dating only two years for Christ sake, in my opinion it's hardly enough for a proposal to be justified. Of course Chase has an entirely different opinion about the matter, after all he had been proposing every month for the past two years. You'd think that after twenty-four times he would run out of interesting ways to propose, but no he never ceases to surprise me. It's as if the'rs a book 'A hundred unique ways to propose' on the market.

Me and him never fight, well aside from our usual 'why the hell won't you merry me already' fight. It's not that i don't love him, i just don't understand why such a formality is a necessity. We both love each other and enjoy each other's company. I live in his place for over a year now- go figure how he made me do it- i still have no idea myself. As long as i'm not knocked up and in need to provide a child with a father i am in no rush about this.

I'm not one of those girls who had dreamed about her wedding day all her life. I've been in enough fancy parties and gowns to last a life time, why would i want to spend a huge amount of money on a single day when i can spend it on a flight to somewhere special and actually have a good time. Some might say a wedding day is a reason to have fun, i though believe spending eighteen hours in a suffocating dress and killer hills dancing the night away while either sweating or freezing the whole night -depends on the season- really isn't a good opportunity 'to have a blast'. But then again there are some romantics among us so why kill the buzz for them?

My best friend Violet -with whom i made up that same day at the ball after we sorted things with Chase- is a whole another story. Her wedding is planned to the tiniest details, seriously even the number of stones in her manicure were counted off. The dress she wears is everything you could ever dream of and the most important thing, the groom, hasn't run away. Tough is beats me why the sucker didn't. (A.N: picture of the dress at the side :) )

The sucker -as i like to call him- is Sebastian Dong. And the name does mach the package, if you know what i mean. He is a multi billionaire who had fallen in love with her at first sight at the most ridiculous place on earth to do so, at a cemetery. We were at Roland's funeral ,remember him? My ex-executive, who died as a result of 'over partying' (A.N: kids. Don't do drugs, it's bad.).

They both started talking after the coffin was put into the ground and everything went uphill from there, unfortunately for Roland of course. Things REALLY went uphill, as you can judge from the place i am in now.

I looked at Chase who was standing right beside me ready to escort me down the isle. He had been so patient with me for this past two year, me giving him the same excuse over an over again. Maybe becoming Mrs. Lina Bryant isn't such a bad idea after all. We could organize a small wedding on the beach somewhere in Bally or Barbados. Somewhere which starts with a b so it can be bad-ass. On the other hand who am i kidding, i am a Davis, my mother would destroy me if i even dared to say the word small near her.

Chase rudely interrupted my internal battle "Bunny is something bothering you?"

I smiled at him "No not at all".

I decided what is right just when the orchestra started playing Mendelssohn's March. We slowly made our way after the couple before us. And separated at the altar right after Chase slapped me on the ass, which earned a laugh from the crowd of course.

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