He smiled at me; we sat in silence for a while. I looked up at him, but saw he was watching me, why was he watching me? Wait, was there something on my face. I looked in the toast that sat right next to us. He smiled as he noticed what I was doing.

                "You know, there isn't anything on your face, right?" he asked.

                I shrugged, "You never know, you boys do tend to think that's funny. So, you asked what was wrong, in the bathroom. Still want to know?" he struggled "Well I'm telling you anyways. I like I have a half-sister, than my mother had a relationship with and never told me about."


                The expression on his face had said it all, but I knew that this wasn't the first time this has ever happened to the group of us. A couple years back, Sam and Dean found out they had a half-brother named Adam. I sure did miss him. But due to Dean turning Michael down, Adam was now stuck in the cage with Lucifer as well as Michael. I frowned to myself and I realized what he was thinking.

                "I'm sorry, Sam. I miss Adam just as much as you do, but it wasn't your fault that Michael took over his body. I mean, I know I sound selfish for getting upset about a sibling I have that I've never met, but your father didn't disown you for..." I stopped when I realized I was only digging myself into a deeper hole. "You know what Sam, scratch that. I don't know what I'm saying; it must be my sleep deprivation talking."

                "Katy, it's okay. I know what you're getting at. Please, don't be sorry. I know it's hard to really explain it to me. Dean was just my dad’s little soldier, I on the other hand... Well he wasn't proud of me; I honestly believe he hated me from the death of my mother." I frowned at him, "But, there is nothing I can do now to change it all. I know you probably don't want to hear this right now, but maybe you should find this girl. Maybe she's even looking for you, right now. She knows your mother, and your father. I love that Dean knows so much about them both. It maybe is selfish to think the way you are, but it doesn't me you can't get to know her."


                I smiled at his words. I knew he was right. This Kasey girl was the only person I could go to that would know my mother and father better than I did. I didn't even know my father, so I would be nice to actually know what kind of a person he was, or is. I wonder if he's still alive. She also knew my mother, wait did she even know that mom had passed?

                "You know what, Sam. You're right. I can't look at this as if it's a bad thing, but as a good thing. Maybe we should try and track her down. Maybe she can tell me things I never knew about my parents." I was smiling now. "Sam, you're the best. I love you."

                "I love you too, Kat." he smiled at me.

                We sat drinking our coffee, and had a light conversation. I was starting to get hungry so I got up and started to make some food for us. I had completely forgotten then Dean and Gabriel were also in the house, I looked at Sam and he laughed because he noticed I only made enough food for the two of us. I looked at the time to see it was 5:45 in the morning. Just as I turned to look at him again, I heard a flutter of wings.

                "Hey, do I get some breakfast too?" Gabriel said as stood right behind me.

                I sighed, "If you want breakfast, you can make it yourself or even better, get out of my house." I glared at him as I pushed passed him "I know I said you can stay here, but I changed my mind. You're annoying, and stupid."

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