Chapter 5 - Fucklets and Grassholes.

Start from the beginning

I can just imagine what she did on her 18th birthday.


As you can tell, I'm really clueless when it comes to guys. Apparently I can seduce someone but I have never kissed a guy, I have never slept with a guy, I have never even been with a guy in one room alone, not counting family.

From a very young age I was trained to know my priorities, and boys are the last ones on the list. I plan to finish school, get a scholarship to the closest University, hopefully something doing with psychology or journalism. Then finish university and find a stable job, then I can think about boyfriends. I don't want to waste my time on someone who I will only date for a while before going off to Uni and breaking up with him. It's just extra heartbreak that I do not need to experience.

I want to be able to focus fully on my studies. Since I was little I loved writing, and I always loved watching those videos online that teach you how to read body language and human behavior. Over time I got pretty good at it, I can tell when someone is lying most of the time, and I can tell if someone is faking a smile. I know a lot of random information that is really weird.

If you think about it, Humans are not that complex, we think there is a fancy scientific explanation to everything, like what kind of person we are attracted too. But in reality, we are really simple. We live on instincts, for example...

-a/n To all easily offended people: SKIP THE NEXT FOUR PARAGRAPHS.

Guys like girls who are curvy, who have more body fat. Of course not to the point that you are obese but to the point where you are healthy. Unless you are naturally skinny, then you are all good . They like healthy girls, so the girls who are starving themselves for guys are really dumb if you think about it, they are not doing good to themselves or look more attractive. There are many girls who starve them self for the mare purpose of getting a man and that's not good.

Why do guys might like heavier girls?

Because on instinct a guy thinks if the girl can produce healthy children. Even if they don't want children, they will still choose healthier girls instead of the ones who are constantly loosing weight to the point where you can see their bones. If you starve yourself, at some point you will stop having your period which makes it impossible to have children.

Of course guys have different taste but I am talking about the majority. Don't even argue with me. It is scientifically supported. would be much easier to keep yourself healthy for yourself, and not anyone else. When you are healthy you are generally more confident so that's a plus.


My thoughts get interrupted by a very familiar voice. "Scarlet! go take a shower! you are dripping on the damn floor." I hear my Dad say.

My eyes widen and I run towards him wrapping my arms around his neck, screaming "Daddy!".

Eh, I guess you could say I am daddy's girl. But who could blame me? I don't have a mother, and Xavier is too much for me to handle most of the time. Since I was little I was always daddy's girl, I even joined the soccer team in grade 7 to make my dad proud. I failed miserably but it's the thought that counts, right?

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