New School

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Gaara is 15 Going to To tenth grade. (His birthday is in January so he is the oldest in his class) Will be turning sixteen during school.

Temari is 17 (will be turning eighteen on December 31, so she is the youngest in her class) going to 12th grade.

Kankuro is 16 ( born on January 2 and will be turning 17 during school) Is going to 11th grade.


Chapter 1

Gaara sighed as his sister, Temari, continued to drive him and Kankuro to school. He didn't want to go to a new 'prison', but he knew he could only blame himself for that. The reason they were going to a different school is because the amount of fights Gaara got himself in. It's not his fault that people there were so aggravating, but at least it wasn't like when he was younger. Back in middle school, anyone that got him mad, he'd shove his foot up their but.

It was kinda of a anger issue Gaara had to work on. After the accident he had with his uncle, he didn't care about what would happen to the people who would tease or hurt him, but Temari let Gaara see that inflicting others like that was wrong. "Letting them have a life long suffering is much better," his sister had explained. Gaara's older brother agreed as well. So, fortunately, the idiots at his old high school are still alive, they should be grateful.

Gaara got expelled in SunaHigh is because he got caught in the midst of fighting with another student, one too many times. So he was expelled and his siblings refused to stay in the school without him. In the end, they moved to the Green Leaf City.

Now, Gaara was attending a school he had no interest for. The worst part about the place, is that it had a college as well. So that meant a whole lot of  kids and more people he has to scare off. Making his own classmates terrified of him and younger grades will be easy. It's the college students he had to focus on, and even some people in the older highschool grades. But that didn't really matter; he could easily do it. Gaara tried to tighten his phone he carried in his uniform pocket, but it was hard to do so with the straight jacket he had on. Gaara would get it off as soon as he found a teacher named Jaraiya, and he couldn't wait to do so. He didn't see the reason he was in it, yes, in middle school he did bad, very bad things, but he cleaned his act up. Gaara watched as the school came up in a distance. It was huge, but it was expected.

"Okay, were here." Temari announced.

Gaara's destination was to head to the 16th grade, find Jiraiya, then head back to his classroom. They were already late so they decided that there was no point of rushing. Kankuro and Temari were by Gaara's side, a bit behind him, keeping their distance, and Temari would carry her little brothers backpack until he got the jacket off.

"These school uniforms are a pain." Kankuro complained.

"They're itchy as well." Temari added.

Gaara silently agreed with his siblings, and they continued to walk the empty hauls of the school. He always thought rich kid uniforms would be nice and warm, Gaara expected the school to probably choose the most comfortable and expensive uniform for the students. Guess not.

They walked pass an older male reading a copy of Itcha Itcha Paradise. If anything he didn't look like your avarge teacher. First of all he was young, had grey spiky hair, his lower face was actually covered with a masked. He looked like he was in a rush.

Kakashi walked passed the three, reading his book, until realization struck him.

"Sabaku no Gaara, Sabaku no Kankuro, and Sabaku no Temari?"

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