Chapter 3

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Chapter 3!!! Tell me what you think so far ;)


I rolled over to my side and squashed my pillow into a better shape. I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow they'd finally be deciding who would be chosen for the government agency. I have to be one of them.

I have to!

After laying awake for another few minutes I finally gave up. I slipped the covers off of my thin body, and slipped some crumpled socks lying on my floor over my feet. I opened my double door carefully and shivered when the air hit my bare legs. I ignored the cold hallway, deciding I didn't feel like changing out of my pajama shorts.

I'm just lazy like that.

I walked down the hall as silently as I could. I passed lots of other dorm rooms containing the other agents. I wondered if they weren't able to sleep either. They didn't know this place as well as me though, so they couldn't exactly go out for a midnight stroll.

I slipped out of the hallway and into the combat room down the stairs. I breathed in the musty, sweaty, indoor training room air, many memories of my earlier training years coming back to me.

I had a good life here.

But it'll change soon. For the better of course.

Because I am going to be a government agent. I am and I will.


I quickly spun around.

"Lucas! What the heck are you doing down here?"

Lucas Gordon turned around to face me.

He frowned," I should say the same."

I chuckled.

"You look tired. How long have you been down here?"

He turned back to his punching bag and gave it a few more whacks, sweat pouring down his neck and bare chest," Two, maybe three hours. Couldn't sleep, had too much on my mind."

I nodded.

"Yeah, me too." I spied around at shirt and mess of computers and files he had scattered around him on the ground," What's with all this?"


I picked up a laptop, sitting down on a blue mat on the floor, and scanned the codes written on it," On what?"

He paused and hesitated.



"I'm researching all the agents here. I want to know about the agents who'll end up on my squad."

I like that he knows he's going to make the squad like me. Another recruit I see.

"What if you don't make it?"

He grunted," I'm going to."

I raised my eyebrows in admiration.

"Ah," I said," I see. Well, who are you looking up right now?"

"Ebony Vice."

I looked back up at him. He'd turned around to face me.

"That's a familiar name. Which one is she?"

"She's Agent 18, Squad 3. She's extremely brilliant and pretty much knows everything about everything. She's strong, got a mind of her own, and keeps to herself."

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