He saw his parents smiling at him, and his sisters beaming and tearing up. Alex didn’t want his family to see her dress. She wanted the whole Hough family get that first time feeling with Derek when he does. And guess what… it worked.

When they finally reached the front, Denise was crying and Paul was all tear-ed up and they both kissed Alex’s cheeks as they handed Derek her hand.

His palms were a little sweaty, but he could feel her hands shaking as they touched.

But that’s what I had in mind…” Clint sang.

But that’s what I had in mind…” Lisa sings.

When I said… I… do…” they sing together as the music chimes and finishes off. It was perfect ending for them.

“You look beautiful,” he said wiping a tear from his eye.

“You don’t look bad yourself baby,” she whispered.

            “I’m so glad your wearing it,” he said, gently touching her ‘H’ charm, then noticed her wrist, “I’m glad you still have that on somewhere, it wouldn’t have felt right, not having your locket on somewhere.”

Alex smiled and he guided her closer to the preacher as they turned to face him.

“Dearly beloved we are gathered here to day to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony,” he said, “Who gives this woman to this man?”

            “We do!” her parents and her brothers chime in together, causing a chuckle out of the crowd.

“Derek, Alexis, the choice you have made to commit yourselves to one another as husband and wife is not a light one to make,” he said, “But the fact that you have shown your dedication and commitment to one another.  Will you please face each other for your separate vows please?”

Alex turns to her brothers and shows the flowers for one of them to take them for her.

Nick takes them happily and kisses her cheek again.

Joe stands there and makes a pout, which makes Alex giggle and kisses Joe and then Kevin’s cheek.

She turns around and faces Derek and they take hands and look into each others eyes.

Alex repeated what the preacher told her to say, “I, Alex, take you, Derek… to be my husband, my constant friend… my faithful partner and my love from this day forward… In the presence of God, our family and friends… I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner… in sickness and in health… in good times and in bad… and in joy as well as in sorrow… I promise to love you unconditionally… to support you in your goals… to honor and respect you… to laugh with you and cry with you… and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”

The preacher then nodded at Derek, and he repeated what the preacher told him to say, “Alex, I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife…. Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you… as long as we both shall live… I take you with all your faults and your strengths… as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths… I will help you when you need help… and I will turn to you when I need help… I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life… till God calls me home,” Derek said.

Everyone was in tears and crying as the preacher turned to Joe and Mark, “May I have the rings please.”

Joe gives Alex Derek’s ring as Mark gives Derek hers.

“Derek, please place this ring on Alex’s finger,” the preacher said, “And say your ring vow.”

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.  As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you.  I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day.” Derek said as he slips her band on.

Alex smiled, “Derek with this ring I give to you as a token of my love and devotion to you.  I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be as your wife.  With this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours.  I love you so much.”  She slips his band onto his finger.

“Now before these witnesses and your family and friends, and the power invested in me and the state of New York, and the staff at the Oheka Castle, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the preacher said, “You may kiss your bride.”

Derek smiles at Alex as he places his hands on her neck and cheeks and leans down to kiss her.  They kiss as the crowd roared with cheer.

After they kissed they stared into each other’s eyes.

“Ladies and Gentlemen.  For the first time ever, please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Derek Hough.”

The room stands up and cheer as Alex takes her flowers back from Nick, and Derek and Alex walk down the isle as they smile at everyone and went to the back and back to Alex’s room while the party follows them behind and right behind them.



Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें