Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen- "Already laughing in the face of death, Harry!"

As I help myself to some treacle tart and vanilla ice cream, the talk turns to families.

"I'm half and half," says Seamus. "Me dad's a Muggle. Mam didn't tell him she was a witch 'til after they were married. Bit of a nasty shock for him."

"Your Irish. Your amazing!" I high five Seamus.

"Hey! I live in Ireland as well," Maya pouts.

"But your Australian, so it doesn't count," I reply, shoving some more ice cream in my mouth.

"What about you, Neville?" Ron asks.

"Well, my gran brought me up and she's a witch," says Neville, "but the family though I was all Muggle for ages. My great-uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some magic out of me - he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once, I nearly drowned - but nothing happened until I was eight. Great-uncle Algie came round for tea and he was hanging me out of an upstairs window by the ankles when my great-auntie Enid offered him a meringue and he accidently let go. But I bounced - all the way down the garden and into the road. They were all really pleased. Gran was crying, she was so happy. And you should have seen their faces when I got in here - they thought I might not be magic enough to come, you see. Great-uncle Algie was so pleased he bought me my toad."

On the other side of the table, a ginger (who Ron told me is his brother Percy) and Hermione are talking about lessons ("I do hope they start straight away, there's so much to learn, I'm particularly interested in Transfiguration, you know, turning something into something else, of course, it's supposed to be difficult -"; "You'll be starting small, just matches into needles and that sort of thing -").

I look up at the High Table again. Hagrid is drinking deeply from his goblet. Professor MG is talking to Professor Dumbledore. A man in an absurd turban (who Harry says is Professor Quirrell) is talking to a teacher with greasy black hair, a hooked nose and sallow skin.


But seriously, hair goals.....

As I'm reaching forward to get more ice cream, I bang my arm against the table.

A sharp pain flies through my arm, and I swear.

"You alright?" Maya ask, through a mouthful of doughnut.

"Banged my arm," I mutter, glaring at the table.

"Seriously Emily, stop blaming the table!"

Pouting, I turn to Harry as he begins to talk.

"Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" Harry asks Percy.

"Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, that's Professor Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to - everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."

At last, the puddings too disappear and Professor Dumbledore gets to his feet again. The Hall falls silent.

"Ahem - just a few more words now we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you

"First-years should note that the forest in the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well."

Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flash in the direction of the Weasley twins.

"I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors.

A Hogwarts Legend: The First Step [1] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now