Chapter Three

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Chapter Three - "The Gingers are spreading, it's just you and me Elinor"

Diagon Alley is amazing! I start to pull Maya along behind me, trying to take everything in. There are soooooooo many shops. A cauldron shop, an apothecary, an owl emporium, a broom shop and so many more.

But one catches my eye. Gringotts!

"Look at the goblins, they're so cute!" I shriek, running up to one and hugging him.

"Emily, let go of him!" Maya orders me. I stick my tongue out at her, but slowly remove my grip from the goblin. He doesn't hesitate to run.

"Well, that was rude!" I grumble, then turn to look at Maya, who's tapping her foot impatiently.

"Hurry up! I want to see everything! Where should we go first?" She asks, bouncing up and down in excitement.

Is she bipolar or something?

"Yes!" She answers seriously.


"You were talking out loud again."


"Anyway, where do u wanna go first May?"

"Ummm, I don't know!"

"Well, neither do I!"

We stare at each other for a minute, then burst out laughing.

"We should do animals and wands last," I mutter.

"Thank God we don't need to go into Gringotts," Maya says. "We can spend all our time exploring-"

"- and causing trouble!" I finish for her. She beams at me, and we link arms.

"We don't need to go the apothecary or get a cauldron," I remind May.

"Then I think that we should get our fabulous robes first!"

"You mean, fabulouis robes!" I smile at May.

She laughs at me, then drags me towards Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

As we enter, someone walks into me. Stumbling, I look up to see a small boy with scruffy black hair and broken glasses.

"Sorry," he mumbles, before leaving.

I look at Maya, who just shrugs, and we carry on, through the shop, to find our uniform.

We find Madam Malkin, near the back, alone.

She turns to us, smiling.

"We're looking for our Hogwarts uniform," Maya says, grinning in excitement.

"Alright, if you could stand on this stool for me........."


Maya and I leave the shop, half an hour after entering. We're difficult ^_^

Seriously, I think she hates us now. Oh well, we're obviously to swaggy for her #swag2k15

"So, where should we go now?" Maya asks me.

"The home of every fangirl.............."

"THE BOOKSTORE!" we shout in unison, running towards the holiest place in Diagon Alley, Flourish and Blotts.


We have been in the bookstore for almost an hour. We both bought our textbook ages ago.

I'm currently sitting on the floor, reading Divergent. Yeah, they have muggle books here, they are that cool. Maya's reading The Fault in Our Stars for the fifth time.

I am making her buy that book as she always uses mine............................. What a bitch!

Suddenly, a random girl appears beside me.

"Um, hi?" I say, looking up at the girl. She has short dirty blonde hair (like Shailene Woodley style), dark brown eyes and is wearing black jeans, small boots and a t-shirt with......


"OH MY GOD!" I shriek, earning dirty looks from surrounding people. "YOU LIKE LLAMAS!"

Maya pops up beside me in a matter of seconds. Don't judge us.......

I jump to my feet, beaming at this stranger.

"Hi, I'm Maya and this is Emily," Maya says, pulling the girl into a hug. I pull Maya off of the girl and hug her myself.

"Hi! I'm Elinor!" Elinor shouts, grinning at us.

"You going to Hogwarts this year?" Maya asks.

"Yeah, I cant wait!" She replies.

"ELINOR!" Someone yells from across the shop.

"Whoops!" She whispers to us. "I got to go! I escaped from my parents." She laughs.

"Don't worry," I whisper back. "We'll come with you, just let us pay."

I hand Maya the books I want, and the money, of course. I'm lazy.......

"Hey El! Can I call you El? I'm just gonna call you El. What is your opinion on gingers?"

We both glance at May, who's in the queue and raises her eyebrow (talented bitch) at my question.

"They are awesome, who doesn't love gingers?"

I beam at her. "That's what I said!"

Elinor and I stand in silence for about a minute, and Maya soon joins us.

We are heading towards the door, when it happens.

A large family enters. And they are ALL GINGERS!

Instinctively I push Maya towards them. "Maya, they are your people, go breed, I'm setting you free."

Maya glares at me but starts to follow the family anyway.

Elinor and I burst into laughter when May starts to dance behind them. Several times she almost gets caught, but she just pretends to be reading or sleeping........ standing up. I love her so much!

Then a thought crosses my mind. I turn slowly towards Elinor, a look of fake horror across my face and whisper, "The Gingers are spreading, it's just you and me Elinor!"

Elinor bursts into to laughter and I join her.

"I HEARD THAT YOU BITCH!" Maya screams at me from across the store.

This just makes us laugh harder.

Soon, Maya come back and helps us to our feet. Yes, we were laughing so hard we fell, deal with it!

As we exit the world of wonder, El says farewell and skips off to who knows where.

"Well, were should we go next?"

"Um, I don't know," I reply.

"I know!" Maya shouts. "To the pet shop!"

May grabs my arm and starts to drag me down the street.

Oh shit! We are going to buy the whole shop.......................

Oh well! As those cool kids say, YOLO!

A Hogwarts Legend: The First Step [1] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now