Untitled (S)

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TW: Santa Clause

Xephos had never meant for anyone to find out. He knew it was silly, babyish almost, far too childlike for someone as sophisticated as him. But he still couldn't help it. Every year, without fail, he would sit down when he was sure he was alone, and write a letter to Santa.

After all it was hardly his fault! He'd never celebrated Christmas before his ship had crashed and he was simply making up for his childhood. At least that's what he told himself. Besides, what harm was there in a little festive fun? It wasn't as if anyone was going to find them. They were solely for his and the man in red himself's eyes. In a way it was nice to hastily scrawl down his little wishes. He tried not to be selfish, to ask for things for others, make them happy before himself. Some things occurred every year, a wish for peace, for friendship, for unity and happiness. Some things were a little more specialized, a pig for Simon one year, new goggles for Lalna, a bucket for Nilesy and a coat for Ridge. He rarely found the courage to ask for things for himself, too scared of being greedy and ending up on the naughty list. But this year he had given in, pausing as he finished his letter before hastily scribbling another hurried sentence on the bottom.

Oh, and please Mr Santa, can I find true love? I know it's a lot to ask for but I don't want to be lonely anymore. Thank you again, sorry for bothering you.

Xeph quickly folded it and slid it into the bottom of his sock drawer where it joined all his others, hidden away and never meant to be found.

But it had been. He was watching now as long fingers gently clasped the paper, blue eyes lit up as they skimmed the page.

'Hey Xeph, I never knew you were still a little kid under that serious expression huh? For us all to stay friends for another year? How old are you? Four?' He watched Sjin snicker as the words rang thr his head in a poor impression of his voice.' Sjin had found ... Sjin had found ...

'How did you-'

'Hey listen to this! Can I please have a better gun~? Well that's a little forward, not that I mind. In fact you can shoot mine any day Xepphie ...' He ignored Sjin's lewd wink and the waggle of his brows, lunging for the papers as his cheeks burned with a blush.

'It's a new Desert Eagle for Ridge you insensitive prat! Now give that back!' Sjin giggled and danced back out of his reach, eyes still skimming over the page.

'Oh sure~ I should have known you'd want Ridge's gun~ I mean who doesn't?' Xeph made another grab which Sjin nimbley evaded as he pointed at the letter. 'Ooh, what's this hm?' Xeph watched as Sjin's eyes flicked across the last few lines, readying himself for the teasing as he saw Sjin's expression softly slightly. He watched him step closer to Xeph, discarding the letter on the bed.

'Sjin ah, what are yo-' Warm, soft lips pressed into his, stealing away his breath and making his heart jolt nervously. He was kissing Sjin?! This couldn't be real! Eventually he pulled back, slender hand cupping Xeph's cheek.

'Granting your wish ...'

Credit to cercia on tumblr

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