Jord was close behind me, and I knew that if it really was something that bad, then he would have made much more of an effort to get me out of the house. It was obviously something he was trying to shield me from, rather than it being something that might put me in danger.

When I reached the living room, the sight in front of me took me aback. Littered everywhere were various drugs; pills, syringes and powder.

It was then that I realised what the smell must be. “It’s weed.” I stated confidently. “That smell is cannabis.”

Jord sighed and nodded. “Yes, it is.” He admitted. “Do you think we should come back when your parents are more…sober?” He suggested, looking hopeful. I could tell that after yesterday’s events he didn’t want another confrontation and I had to say that I agreed with him, but my automatic reactions, did not.

The anger within me grew to an unbelievably high level and I found myself nearly shaking with fury. Only yesterday, I had been at the hands of my father, trying to kidnap me, take me to god-knows-where, whilst my parents were high as a kite on illegal substances, probably not even noticing that I hadn’t come home last night.

Jord, having not received a reply from me, placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Jess, calm down.”

I shook my head stubbornly. “No way, there’s no way I’m going to calm down when they’re doing this!” I exclaimed, outraged.

Jord got close then, so that his forehead was nearly touching mine. “Calm down.” He repeated soothingly.

Once again, I couldn’t quite stop myself shaking my head. This was not a situation where I could just stop myself being so mad. I was still unbelievably furious at them for being so thoughtless.

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.”

A soft peck on the lips came then, as Jord tried extreme methods to make me even slightly more composed. Still, I was irate though, anger burning through my veins.

Sighing, Jord realised that he wasn’t really getting anywhere, so, he tried again, only this time, harder.

Capturing my lips in his own much more passionately this time, he got me to respond, so that I focused my emotions on him rather than my parents. This wasn’t hard though, because Jord was definitely easy to focus on.

Although I doubted he’d meant for the kiss to become so heated, I soon found my back against the wall as he pushed himself hard against me.

The urge that had been building inside us for so long took over and rationality seemed to be thrown out of the window as we continued our passionate kiss.

When I pulled away to breath and we weren’t making out anymore, realisation seemed to come over Jord again and although he didn’t pull away, he didn’t make any move to kiss me again.

“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He muttered, his lips still dangerously close to my own.

“Well, that didn’t do a lot to calm me down.” I replied, a cheeky grin colouring my expression.

We both chuckled, before the full reality hit us again. We’d been kissing, very openly, in my living room, whilst my parents were somewhere else in the house, more than likely in the next room along, smoking weed and doing several types of drugs.

How stupid could we get?

I was starting to realise why we’d always refrained from getting into this in the first place.

Jord stepped away from me and ran a hand through his hair. “I still think we should just leave now and come back tomorrow.” He retold his original thoughts as I tried to ignore my still tingling lips.

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