Chap. 22. THE BIG ONE

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I can't believe it! We just made it through another round of dancing!!! Hole moly. I've gotta text mum! I thought to myself as I jumped up and down backstage with so much excitement that it was scaring poor Josh.

"Chill woman. Chill." Josh said raising a prefect brow.

"But we did it!!" I squealed grabbing his wrists and pulling him closer to me and pecking his lips.

"Excuse me. This came for you" a small lady said from the corner of my change room. "It's a note from the troops company" she handed it to me with a small smile and walked out of my room. I rushed over to Josh squealing and opening the bright yellow envelope. I wonder why it's so bright...

Josh grabbed the note out of my hands and unfolded it quickly skimming over the words, I stood in front of him folding my hands onto each other and bouncing on my toes.

"We are going to Australia next month on the 28th!!" He yelled and jumped up onto the table next to us shouting it out as loud as he can.

"AUSTRALIA?" I scream

"Australia!" He confirmed


"Australia." He confirmed again taking my hands into his.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch where we are going.... Australia was it?" Brian said trying to make a joke. To be honest I giggled a little bit.. He reminds me of chandler off friends.


"Come out to dinner with me and the gang tonight. I have big news to tell you!" Brody said popping out of no where in the hallway at school while I was on my way to my locker.

"Sweet Jesus Brody you scared the shit out of me." I stated putting the pin into my locker then getting out my science and history books out. Ew science. I cringe at the thought of my science teacher. I swear he is a pedophile.

"So are you coming? Every one else is!" He leaned against the lockers as the bell rang for first class.

"Where? What time?" I ask

"be ready by four and there will be a limo coming to get you all and taking you to Jasmine Rice. Wear something formal and not a lot of makeup. See you there!" He kissed my forehead and walked to his first class.

I sighed. Well now I have no choice.


"Muuuuuuummmmmmm!" I screamed

"Whaaaat?" She screamed back

"I'm going out to dinner with Brody, Hayley, Josh, Rachel, and Paris. Brody's shout." I said putting in a pair of her dangly earring as she walked into her room.

She looked puzzled and placed her ass softly on her bed "I thought Rachel was the one you got into a punch up with" she stated

"Yes. Yes she was the one I got into a fight with"

"So why are you going to dinner with her?"

"Because she isn't so much of a spiteful stuck up skank anymore"

"Alright, when are you going? Where are you going? When will you be home?"

"Soon, a limo is coming to get us all. Jasmine Rice. I'm not sure but I'll have my phone on me and the limo is taking us all home."

"Okay have fun" she kissed my cheek as I grabbed my new Kim K clutch and raspberry gold iPhone 6 ready to walk out to the kitchen when grace jumped out of no where.

"Holy hell" I yelled and placed my hand of my heart and dramatically leaning against the wall. "What the fuck was that for!?!?"

She blocked my way of getting past her, "mum! Why does she get to go out but I'm not!?!?"

"Because you got suspended from school for two weeks!" She threw back

Wait what.

"What did you do?" I said evilly

"Sucked a guy off in the bathroom during class and a teacher walked in on us... We both got suspended...." She said with a shrug and a grin

I laughed and hi-fived her. "Okay fair enough, I really have to go" I pushed past her and walked out the door saying bye to them both and kissing mum on the cheek.

Josh walked down my drive way wearing a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and black skinny jeans that fitted perfectly on him with his hair untouched like sex hair. My lord I think my insides just fell out my ass hole.

"You look stunning" he smiled kissing me

"You don't look to bad yourself" I giggle "I swear only my insides felt like they dropped out my butthole when I first saw you but other than that your not too bad" I exaggerated.

Soon enough the limo pulled up and a man got out and opened a door for us and Brodys head pooped out with a big smile. "Howdy doodie"

Hi there..........


Sorry this was really late but I do have school every day and I have two jobs because I dropped out of my apprenticeship because it was too stressful but anyway I have two jobs and I am writing three book as well as going to school so please spare me time to get a longish cheaper finished and uploaded thank you xxxxx

As always

Hugs and kisses

~ Haylea 💋❤️

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