Chap 13. To hell and back pt1

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*May be triggering sorry* (un edited)

"What!" I screamed stomping up the stairs.

"Sweetie! It not that bad!" Mum yelled chasing me. I stopped and she banged into my back. I whipped around furiously.

"Not that bad? Really? Oh okay so going away for two weeks on a business trip to a lake, in the mild of no where with the one person I'm trying to get as far away from as possible is not that bad??"

"I think you're over reacting a bit-"

"No mum! He cheated on me! Chea-ted..." I said the last part slowly on hopes that it got through her thick skull. But of corse not.


"No! I'm not going! It's not fair I'm 16 turning 17! I think I can look after myself for two weeks. It's totally unfair and I refuse." I stomped my foot childishly

"Well newsflash sweetie, life is unfair and I don't care if I have to drag you out by the hair screaming and kicking. You are going whether you like it or not! Now start packing, we leave early tomorrow morning oh and when we get back we have a performance, the judges will pick out the people they like and pair them together." She smiled sweetly and walk back to the kitchen

I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. I started running my hands through my hair with tears running down my cheeks. This is so unfair! How could she do this!?

I started contemplating whether I would rather hold a spider or go on this trip, well guess what I chose?


I stomped over to my balcony, climbing over the railing and then jumping into the ladder like tree and climbing onto the roof. I sat there for hours just thinking of life and how much it's changed in just a few months. It's falling apart. I wonder if anyone would care if I fell off the roof?? The sound of a motorcycle broke me out of my horrible thoughts, I looked up to see Josh pulling up in his driveway on his black Harley that looked too much like my dads. I scrunched up my face and rubbed my temples to clear the bad memories from my head.

Suddenly there was a crash noise, I started getting worried because I thought it was grace or mum but then I heard Josh yelling. "I'm not going!"

"Too bad josh"

"No I refuse"

"Start packing"

"I'd rather die"

"Be careful what you wish for Josh!"

Then he slammed his door. From this angle on the roof I could see his every move. He ran a hand through his hair and sat down on his bed running his fingers over the spot where I once laid, the trailed his hand up to the pillow with my tear stains on it.

All of a sudden he punched the pillow and knocked over his lamp, it smashed and glass went everywhere. He started crying and pacing the room he looked over to the smashed glass and shook his head. "It's all my fault" he told himself.

"It's all my fault! she'll never forgive me!"

He looked back over to the Brocken glass, slowly walking over to it. "It's my fault" he picked up a large piece of sharp glass and held it to his wrist. "I'm sorry, tori. I'm so sorry." He said to himself and then applied pressure to his skin and dragged it virtually down his wrist. Blood pored out as he dropped the bloody piece of glass.

"Noooo!" I screamed then immediate covered my mouth.

"Tori?" He looked around

"That's not true! I will forgive you! you dumb ass"

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