Chap. 11 played

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"I put the video of you and Mason dancing up on YouTube and you got over 3000 views in one night!!" Hayley squealed happily, we were now currently walking to my locker so we could get my books for my morning classes. "I can't wait to see the next da..." We turned a corner but she pulled me back. I gave her a confused look

"What?" I asked

"You don't want to go around there" she whispered. I cocked and eyebrow at her and laughed a little.

"Oh?" I asked sarcastically. I brushed past her frozen body to see what was so bad.

As I got around the corner I froze on the spot with my mouth hanging open. So many emotions were going through me right now me at this moment; anger, hurt,sad,betrayed,fear. All the bad feelings because Josh had a girl pinned to the wall with his hands on either side of her head while she was running her hands through his hair, he moved his hands down to her waist and pushed her harder into the wall. I looked a bit closer and saw her nails, only she would have those perfectly manicured nails. By her and she i mean Rachel gab.

I felt a hot tear run down my cheek followed by another as I walked over to them. Rachel moaned and ran her hands down his neck and back up to his hair as she stared at me with eyes say 'hahahahaha bitch he's mine now, you loose I win!'

I cleared my throat and they both turned to look at me expecting an answer. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Josh turned back around and started making out with her again like I wasn't just behind them.

"Stop" I sobbed


"Stop" I said more strong this time

Rachel giggled "or what? You're gonna slap me with a shoe again?"

Josh snickered and pecked her lips, my mood changed rapidly and from then on I had a boost of confidence. I had no idea what had come over me but I used it to my best ability.

I narrowed my eyes in Rachel's direction, I swear if looks could kill, this whole school would be dead.

I pushed a fake smile onto my face and shook my head. "You think you're sooo freaking perfect don't you?" I asked taking a step towards her. "You think you're real smart, in your perfect little world and daddy will come save you from any trouble you get yourself into" I growled with venom dripping from every single word.

I took another step

"You can't help yourself can you? As soon as you see a single guy you snatch him up and get your way with him. Hell, most of them had or still have girlfriends." I gave her a sarcastic laugh and took another step closer shaking my head.

At this point she was pressed flat against the wall while I was up in her face, Hayley looked as if she was about to explode, and Josh was standing there watching us like a tennis game.

"If you wanted to get under my skin your going to have to try it another way because I'm done with him anyway" I forced another fake smile onto my face "you can have my scrappy left overs. Just like you always do, it just proves how much of a worthless slut you are." I said with even more venom in my voice

The intercoms came on and our pricipals voice voice broke the tension. We all listened with out taking our eyes off each other. "Would Mason kickbok and Victoria Levinn go to the sports staff room, mrs rond would like to speak with you"

I leaned my head next to Rachel's ear and whispered "he's all yours....sweetheart"
She gulped and looked as if she was about to cry. I chuckled heartlessly and looked over to Josh but saw Mason walking towards us -on his way to the sports staff room-

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