Chap 12. The Dance

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Hey guys just letting you know the video ^^ is of Mason and Tori's school performance, if it doesn't work I'm so sorry but if you search on YouTube "whatcha say sytycd" it should come up :)

Kk bye now

All week Mason and I have been rehearsing for our dance, we're dancing hip hop to whatcha say by Jason Derulo. the story line is that the girl finds out that the guy has been cheating on her for a while and she leaves him but he tries to win her back but she ends up leaving in the end. Mason said it will mean something to the both of us because I've been cheated on and masons cheated on some one.

I was shocked when Mason said he cheated on a girl but he had a really good reason to and I don't blame him.

His ex-girlfriend was a stalker, she would text him 24/7 and always be watching him from a distance, wanting to know where he was or where he was going and she would be really over protective and jealous. He tried so many time to brake up with her but she would stalk him, call him and leave creepy note at his door. The only way out of it was if he would invite another girl over when she was watching him and do stuff with her.

To be honest it wasn't really cheating on her but I let it slide.

Mason and I where waiting side stage for our music to come on so we could start dancing. The lights dimmed down and I ran on stage waiting for the music to play, once we started I put all my energy and feelings into it.

When we finished everyone was jumping up and down and cheering for us I could t help the smile that formed on my face. I took a look around and noticed two people who weren't doing anything but standing there dead still , not showing any emotion exept for anger. Josh was standing there giving Mason death glares with his black hoodie on covering most of his face. While Rachel stood next to him clutching onto his arm in the most possessive way I've ever seen before. I shot them a cheeky smile while bowing with Mason. Rachel's face went brighter than a fresh tomato and she glared at me as if saying 'come near Josh and I'll rip your face off ' I shot her yet another cheeky smiley but I stuck my middle finger up at her this time.

Joshes pulled out of her death grip and flung his arms in the air obviously angry at her, she tried to grab his hand but he backed away and disappeared into the crowd. Mason grabbed my hand and dragged me off stage before she would come and tear my arms off.


"Mom! I'm home, school let Mason and I go home early because we did such a great job at performing today" I yelled as I hung my coat up on the rack and put me keys in the hallway table.

"Oh honey that's great, I'm in the kitchen" she yelled back

I walked into the kitchen and saw he and joshes parents with a few men in black suits sitting at the dinner table drinking coffee.

"Hey sweetie we need to talk"

Oh no. Not that tone. That tones never good. Oh hell no! Run! Run tori run!!

Do I listen to that little voice in my head? Pshhh never.


Hey guys this chapter was just a filler, the next few chapters start to get more interesting trust me. I'm going to update a new chapter when ever I can and hope to god I still have the motivation to keep writing.

As always

Hugs and kisses

~ Hayley

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