Sorry! ;-;

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Hey guys! SS here. Okay so what I think is going to happen is I'm just either stopping this story completely or pausing it. Sorry ;-; I just really don't have anything planned for this. Plus I wrote this before I like knew as much about Homestuck as I do now and just. Ew. I'm really not proud of what I've done with this. So yeah. I will probably start another OC X Whatever character though. It'll probably be Lixxek X Jake. Idk I like that. Its nice. Orrrrrr I could do a Lixxek X Celest thing! Mainly because yeah I ship my own Ocs, who are Morails, at my choice, in a red quadrant. I have no life. Its crazy though cause like a ship a bunch of my Oc's then refuse to make it Canon. I am very weird. And then like I have headcanons for my own characters and augh. Fml. Anyway yeah, this is most likely just going to go on pause though. I dont know. I have very mixed emotions with this. Anyway its 2:35 in the morning and I have work later! So yeah. LEIJON SLASH :33 *Absconds*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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