Shitty Swords

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Zelly's POV~~

I woke up while in a car. I think. I opened my eyes and felt something warm on my head. And everything was sideways. What?? Oh, i was laying down. Then the warm thing under me moved. Woah wait am i laying on someone? Oh. I must be laying on Dave or something. I sat up and found out i was right. I had been laying on Dave's lap. Great. Alright then. (... ... ... Lion King Music Is Irnoic... ~CAAAAAN YOU FEEEEELLL THE LOOOOVEE TONIIIGHT?!~) I rubbed my eye with my hand and blinked a few times. "Looks like she's awake." Someone said from the front seat. Oh. Dirk, okay... " Oh... Hello..." I said my brain still processing things. "Wait why am i in a car with the striders?" I asked aloud, but more to myself. "Cause you asked to crash at my place." Dave said from beside me. "Oh, cool." I replied, laying back down on his lap. "Ehh..." I turned around so i was facing his stomach and looked up at him. "There's no way i'm going to get to sleep now... How long was i even asleep?" I asked as i felt the car turn. "About 15 minutes." Dave told me. "Oh." I replied. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 11:42. Ugghhh... I heard the car shut off and Dirk get out. "We're here." Dave said. "Eeehhh..." I said, hugging his stomach. "Zelly, we need to go inside." Dave told me. "Eeehhh..." I whined more as he stood up outside the car. Then i felt arms pull me out and pick me up. "Eeehhhhhhhh...." I whined, wrapping my arms around Dave's neck and legs around his waist as he held me up my holding my upper legs. I rested my head on his chest as he walked into his i guess apartment building. (I'm like on his side, not back or whatever) He got into an elevator(ELEVATORSTUCK xD) and punched a button and we started going up. "Zelly, it's barely even midnight, you can't be this tired." Dave told me. "I'm not, i just like it when you hold me." I said. Dave didn't reply and we just waited in silence for the elevator to get to his floor. The elevator opened and he walked out and into his apartment. "What do you want to do?" Dave asked. "Video games?" I suggested. "Sure." He replied, walking into a room with a computer, bed, and turntables. "Is this your room?" I Asked, rubbing my eyes. "Yep." He told me. "Cool..." I replied. He dropped me on the bed and started the game. "You good with Mario cart?" He asked, sitting beside me. "Sure." I replied. I took a controller and we started playing. We both kept coming in 1st and 2nd, switching off places depending on the track. "Hey Dave I'm hungry." I Said pausing the game. "Help yourself." He told me. I got up and found the kitchen. I started toward the fridge and opened it. "SHIT BE CAREFUL!!" Dirk yelled, pulling me away as swords fell out of the fridge.
-Dave's POV-
"SHOT BE CAREFUL!!" I heard Dirk call from the kitchen followed by a crash. The shitty swords. Fuccckkk.... I ran into the kitchen to see Dirk holding Zelly across the kitchen. Her ankle was cut. "Fuck!" I Yelled. I took Zelly from him and hugged her. "Holy shit are you okay?" I Asked. "Mhmm..." she replied. "Good..." I commented. "I'm still hungry though..." she said. "Here." I picked her up and sat her on a clear place on the counter. I got down poptarts and gave them to her.
-short time skip-
--> Be the awkward girl
You are now the awkward girl. It's currently 2:00 am and your sitting on Dave's bed watching him mess with his turntables from across the room.

(Fuck no back into 1st person ehh)

I got up and walked over to Dave. "Daaavvveee..." I whined. "What'" he asked. "I'm bored." I told him. "Wanna listen?" He Asked. "Yesss!!!" I replied. He let me listen for a while then we decided to go to sleep. "Um are you chill with just sleeping in my bed?" He Asked. "Um, sure." I agreed and he took off his shirt and we played down. "Uhhh... Dave?" I Asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "Are you not taking off your shades?" I Asked. "Nope." He told me. "Okay Then..." I commented. He turned on his side away from me and I couldn't help but trace my finger along his back. He turned around to face me. "Okay dude I just can't anymore." He Said. "Remeber that favor right? Yeah well I'm cashing that in." He continued. "Okay." I Said. "Okay just... don't freak out." He told me. "Alright." I agreed. "Good." He Said, leaning down and kissing me. My eyes widened and when I didn't kiss back he broke the kiss. "Uh... zelly?" He Asked. "Fuck... was that to much? Fuck I messed up.." he muttered. "No... I just... have a late reaction..." I muttered, pecking his lips.

Hey guys. Okay So was that good? No? Okay that's what I thought, anyway, I'm thinking of turning this into a reader insert, should I? I dunno... I think I'm just gonna write a whole different Dave story to do a reader insert but fuck it. Oh well.


Wait fuck is karkles GC or CG... Fuck isn't it GC cause TZ is like something gallows... I dunno... Fuck damn it... nicknames and chumhandles and fuuucckkk...
Woah... fuuuccckkk was auto corrected to Churchill... :|
Well then...

:·: mother. FUCKING. Circles. °·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°

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