Chapter Five

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A/N: Image above is of Ciel's mark from the contract.

Ciel cries out in agony as the placing of the contract they've both recently sealed has been created. The demon removes his hand from the right eye of Ciel. As he walks towards the mirror, sweat running in rivulets down his forehead, he surveys himself in the mirror; he discovers a mark of their contract on his right eye where he had to endure the pain; the mark was the form of an luminous purple pentacle, that is a five-pointed star inside a circle, with the magic ward 'tetragrammaton' around it. The same mark was visible on the demon's left hand. 

"Did you have to place the Faustian contract somewhere as noticeable?" The young boy sasses. 

"The more visible the location of the seal is, the stronger it is." The demon simply replies with that grin of his. 

Ciel continues to gaze at his reflection in the mirror. "I'll need to conceal it with something, I cannot allow this mark to be publicly apparent."  Turning towards his newly appointed butler, the blue-haired adolescent asks: "Also, I forgot to ask what your name is?" 

"I do not have a name, that is for you to decide."

Ciel's eyes widen, slightly startled by this. Howbeit, within seconds the youngster comes to a conclusion. "For the duration of your duties, you'll officially go by the name Sebastian Michaelis which used to be the name of my pet dog." A small grin spreads across his lips. 

"Very well, my lord." Sebastian replies, amused by the boys' satire. "It is also your decision to decide which human form I take as I cannot simply attend to my role in being your butler in my demon form." 

"I see." Ciel responds, carefully contemplating his choices. "You may take a similar form of my father: Vincent Phantomhive as that's the appearance I most feel comfortable with you occupying."

"Yes, my lord." And with that, Sebastian's demon form instantaneously transfigures into the formation of a being who looks much the same as Vincent Phantomhive. However, the demonic crimson eyes that Sebastian possessed still remained.  

As Ciel observed the new form of Sebastian, his cheeks flushed when he became conscious that Sebastian was naked; his pale, lean body was completely unclad as he stood motionless surrounded by the black feathers which once concealed his body. Immediately, Ciel turns his head in another direction with a hand place atop his mouth. 

The demon chuckles, "Do you not like what you see, young master?" His tone was evidently mocking Ciel's reaction.

"Do not ridicule me!" The young boy turns towards Sebastian sternly, "I'll look for some suitable clothing for you, I suspect you should be around Grell's fit; stay here till I return." Before exiting his bedroom, Ciel suddenly stops. 

"What is it, young master?" 

"My eye, I'm going to need something to cover it."  

Sebastian espies a black piece of fabric located on Ciel's desk, with the permission to create it into something of better use, he hastily designs an eye patch for Ciel. With the speed the demon was going at, Ciel was astonished to see how accurate the outcome was.

Sebastian proceeds towards Ciel, still naked, Ciel's eyes widen trying to avoid the sight ascending towards him with the eye patch. He pauses behind Ciel where he positions the fabric on his left eye where the mark is and securely ties it.

"You may find me some clothing now, my lord. I must say it is rather breezy in here." He sniggers.

Frisson: Sebastian x CielHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin