Chapter Four

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Ciel regains consciousness as he opens his cerulean eyes to discover a brown-haired, young male leaning over him. His vision was still a little blurry but he had a general idea of who it was.

"Ciel Phantomhive has retrieved responsiveness!" The green-eyed butler beamed. 

Within seconds, Madam Red hurried into the young boys' bedroom with her refined manner. A comforting smile was presented across her lips as she descried Ciel laying on his bed looking perplexed and disconcerted at once. 

"Thank you, Grell." She says politely in which he presumed that it was his call to exit.

The carmine-attired woman slowly proceeded towards Ciel's bed where she slanted above him, moving one of the Prussian tendrils of his hair aside from his parallel eyes. For a moment, his nostrils flared at the charming aroma of his aunt; her scent was indistinguishable to a roses'.  Leisurely setting herself down, she places a lithe hand on Ciel's knee-pad atop the navy bed sheets. 

"How are you feeling, child?" Her tone was sympathetic, concern was  evident considering the expression she presented.

Ciel places both palms on the bed, thrusting himself upwards. "Better, thank you. How long was I senseless?" He asks.

"It's been two days since you collapsed, my dear. But there's no need to worry, the school has been informed and they're very understanding." Madam Red assures her nephew. Then, slightly biting her lip she asks: "What caused you to fall unconscious? I can't quite comprehend any of the information I've received on the happening; Elizabeth said you were both giggling until your attention was suddenly focused elsewhere and your face went ashen."

Ciel felt responsible for his aunt's distress and wanted to tell her everything. However, she'd never apprehend onto the odd past few days Ciel's experienced. He didn't even fathom any of this himself. "I-I think it's just been a lack of sleep..." He places his hand behind his head, unsure whether his aunt would accept the excuse. 

She examined his appearance for what felt like eternity until she spoke aloud, "Yes, perhaps you're right. You are looking rather frail and jaded," She slightly tilts her head, "You should rest more, I'll have Grell delivering this afternoon's supper to you later." Standing up, she primps her clothing. 

"Thank You, aunt Angelina.  However, what about school?" 

She walks over to Ciel, placing a palm on his warm cheek. "Don't stress, I have that under control. You may return once you're healthy." She smiles, leaning down to kiss Ciel's forehead. 

As she removes herself from her nephews' bedroom, Ciel's closes his eyelids in relief. Howbeit, he's unable to do so without recollections of the monster which approached him. "Ciel Phantomhive, I would like to make a contract with you." The low voice of the male repeats itself in his head. He attempts to dismiss the thought but it's too overpowering; it's tone, it's outward form, the 'contract'...

Moments later, Ciel recoils when he becomes cognizant of the monster whom manifests itself. It draws nearer to Ciel whom lays in panic. He hears the clacking of what appears to be black, high-heeled stiletto boots."W-What are y-you?" He stutters, gazing into his glowing, fuchsia irises. 

It reveals its jagged grin, "I am a demon, Ciel Phantomhive." He replies impishly. 

"A-A demon?" Ciel speaks haltingly. It made sense to him that this male was a demon, after all he undoubtedly looked like one. 

"Correct; a heartless and sadistic demon. However, my intentions are absolute; I am requesting for you to acknowledge my purpose for being here, that is for you to comply with me by agreeing to a contract I am offering." 

"I-I don't understand why me? What does this contract include?" He asks, nonplussed. 

"I have been observing you since you were a child, I'm unsure what it is about you that has enticed my senses though. Howbeit, this contract will benefit both you and I." The demon lets out a sharp chuckle. 

Ciel felt uneasy about the contract, however he is eager to know as much as he can from this demon standing before him breaking out into a half-suppressed laugh. "How may this contract benefit us both?" Slowly, he was gaining confidence as this demon seemed rather submissive. 

"Ah," He places his hand onto his chin where Ciel notices his lengthy, sharp claws. "Well, I will become your loyal butler and submit to you. This however, will be temporary; I will abide by your commands until you are fully satisfied with my service. Afterwards, I will be allowed to use you to my satisfaction." The demons speaks, exhilaration evident in his voice. 

"You'll become my butler? I don't need a butler, my aunt already has one hired..." He trails off, "And what do you mean that "you'll use me to your satisfaction"?" 

"I will not be just any butler, I will be one hell of a butler." The demon announces, "Usually, I devour the souls of whom I make a contract with. However, my objective with you is different and until you agree to the contract I do not wish to share my intent with you."

"Alright." Ciel speaks.

"Do you wish to comply with this contract?" The demon asks with high interest.

Ciel is silent for a few minutes, he carefully ponders over his options. Sighing with his decision in mind, he utters: "If I agree to this contract by asking for one request from you: To assist me in discovering the people who are responsible for the death of my parents, would you still obey?" 

"Of course." The demon replies.

With a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, Ciel vocalizes his decision: "Then yes, I will abide by your terms and agree to creating a new contract with you." 

Once again, the demon dissolves into laughter. "Excellent, my lord."

A/N: Image above is of Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian. I'll continue this on another chapter, I hope you all enjoyed!

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