Victor looked away in shame. He knew that Liam was right. He never gave Isadora a chance and now thanks to his ego and unwillingness to let go of his past he may have lost his ailia. "You are right. It is my fault." Victor felt empty, like a part of him was missing. He looked at his brothers. 

"I know that I am asking much from you all, but please help me find her. Help me right my wrongs." He looked at each brother as they placed their fists over their hearts and nodded. "As brothers we shall follow." Victor looked at his brothers proudly and placed his fist over his heart. "Thank you."

Al stepped forward. "I know it is a touchy topic at the moment, but we have to use all of our resources, including you. Have you tried reaching out to her through the blood bond?" Victor shook his head. "No I have not. The bond is not complete but I am able to sense that she's okay." Al nodded. 

"Do you think you could sense where she is if you were close." That's when Fen stepped in. "You should be able to. The closer you two are the stronger your bond will grow. You will know if she is close." Liam cleared his throat. "SO gentlemen who's up for some road trips?" 

He bared his dazzling smile. Al clapped his hands together. "Alright it's settled then. Kent do you still have contacts with any coven leaders?" Kent nodded. "I will contact Kimora. She will know if Isadora stepped foot in the witch realm." 

Kent was the first to take his leave. "And what about the Fae?" Liam asked. Victor shook his head. "No. They would never let outsiders in. I won't rule them out but let's not waste any time. Fen I know that Adriana is mad at me and wants to leave, but can you hold her off at least until you pay a visit to Ezra.

His pack scout their realm portal day and night. He would know of anyone came through." Fen nodded his head. "Don't worry about Adriana she will be okay. Once I've calmed her down, I will take my leave."

Fen was the second to go. "I will go and meet with Dragomere." Al was the third to leave. "I hope Izzy hasn't taken shelter there. The king of the dragons is a bit scary. Anyway I'll go and speak with Kheiron. I'm sure he'll be of some help. I'm going to ask Kent to see if Kimora can get a location spell on Isadora." 

Liam patted his brother's shoulder. "Do not worry brother. We will find her, but when we do you better be ready to do some serious begging and ass kissing." Victor chuckled. He appreciated Liam's jokes and planned to do more than kiss Isadora's beautiful plump ass. 

"Get the hell out and go do your job." Liam shook his head and backed out of the room. "I'm just trying to help you out man." With that he turned on his heals leaving Victor in his office. Victor walked over to the window and glanced out at the moon. "Where are you my little goddess?"

Isadora stare up at the moon wandering if Victor was looking for her. A knock came at the door drawing her from her thoughts. Morgan peaked through the door. "Hey their having a bonfire and are going to share stories about their history. You should come down. They're really nice and I could really use a familiar face. This pack is huge." 

Isadora giggle at Morgan gesturing how big the pack was. She helped keep the situation they were in light. Isadora knew that Victor would come for her, but her dark brooding mate was not her biggest concern. She was being hunted. 

The demon in the forest was not the evil that followed them in the car. What she couldn't figure out was why they were being chased. "Hello. Earth to Isadora. Are you coming?" Isadora came out of her thoughts once again. "Yes. Come on let's hear some stories and get really drunk." 

Isadora linked arms with Morgan and they walked out of the pack house. One by one wolves bowed to her and she did not stop them. They worshiped her mother and she did not want to disrespect their beliefs. If they wanted to bow, then she would let them.

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