Acknowledge Her

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Isadora woke up the next night exhausted from her long night out. She walked to the bathroom and cringed at herself in the mirror her wild curls were all over the place. She discarded her night clothes that she fell asleep in and turned on the shower. Hot water beat down heavily. 

She hopped in and let the water wash the grime of the night before. After her hot shower Isadora put on a clean white tank and a pair of boy shorts. Her stomach growled as she made her way down to the kitchen. She walked into her kitchen and froze. "Good morning sleeping beauty." 

Adriana cheerfully greeted Isadora. She and Liam were sitting at the kitchen island. Liam looked down at Isadora and smirked. "I don't think she was expecting company." Isadora blushed and quickly a pair of loose sweats appeared on her. "What are you guys doing here so early?" 

She could hear cartoons playing on the living room television. "I see you brought the rug rats with you." Isadora floated in the kitchen and poured herself a bowl of cereal. "Hey don't call my darling angels that." Adriana said as she glared at Isadora.

It was then that a crash was heard from the living room. "Mommy Mehki did it!" Adriana's daughter came bounding into the kitchen with Mehki hot on her tail. "Nah ugh. No. Mommy Layla did it! I told her not to use her powers and that we would get in trouble, but she didn't listen. Then she broke the girly vase on the table." 

Isadora took a scoop of her cereal and raised an eyebrow at Adriana. Adriana stuck her tongue out at Isadora then turned her attention back to her children. "Layla what did I tell you about using your powers unsupervised?" Layla played with her dress as she looked down at the floor. 

"You said that it was dangerous and that if we did it anyway you would punish us." Tears were forming in the little girl's eyes. "That's right. Now go back and play with your brother and your father and will deal with your punishment." 

They ran back into the living room leaving the grown-ups in the kitchen. "Awe do you have to punish her? She's so adorable." Liam poked his bottom lip out and pouted. Adriana and Isadora giggled. 

"Unfortunately yes. I have to. If we don't set some boundaries and rules now, then they will grow up spoiled and I don't want that for my children." Liam shot up from his chair. "I'm going to play with my niece and nephew."

The girls rolled their eyes at his dramatic outburst. "I feel sorry for the woman who is destined to him." Isadora commented as she cleaned her dishes. "I heard that!" Liam shouted from the other room causing another round of giggles from the women. 

Adriana folded her arms on the countertop and looked at Isadora. "Why are you staring at me like that? Like you know something you shouldn't?" Adriana strummed her fingers on the counter top and wiggled her eye brows. "For the love of the Moon Goddess spit it out Ana." 

Isadora put her hands on her hips. "I was just thinking about how you and Victor are doing since the elevator..." Isadora shot over to Adriana and covered her mouth with her hand. "How in the world do you know about that?" Adriana pushed Isadora's hand away. 

She was suppressing a giggle. "Let's just say, I know things, things of the past, present, and future." Isadora wanted to punch herself for not sensing it. "You're a seer. I can't believe I didn't take notice." Adriana nodded. "When Fen turned me that was the special power I received. It was strange at first, but now I manage." Isadora stepped back and placed her hand on her head. "What are you thinking about Izzy?"

Isadora smiled at her old nickname. "You haven't called me that in so long." Adriana shrugged here shoulder. "You are my best friend Izzy. You were there for me when no one else was. I had nobody. I was a Nobody, but you saw something in me that I couldn't even see in myself. I owe you a great deal Isadora." 

A Dark Lovers Series: Fallen LoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz