The Truth shall set you free

Start from the beginning

"No Karma you can't know . you will look at me differently" she said pushing me off.

"No I won't I promise"

" a promise is a comfort to a fools heart" she said leaving the building.

My jaw dropped in shock that she told me that.

I stood there for like 3 minutes until I felt someone put their hand around my waist pulling me into their chest.

"Hey Kitty" Hunter said as I turned around to look at him.

"Hey Hunter " as I kissed him on the cheeks.

"You want to go get some lunch?" He said holding my hands as we walked to the cafeteria.

As we approached the cafeteria everyone was staring at us. We both ignored their stares and went to the popular kids table.

"Amm Hunter I don't think I belong here"

"None sense my love don't worry they will like you."

We both walked to the table and sat down.

I saw Brooke coming our way swaying her hips. She saw me at the table and making her way very fast.

She approached the table as she slammed her fist on the table.

"What is this bitch doing here?"
Brooke said with anger in her eyes.

"She's my girlfriend and you will be seeing her so if you don't mind sit down and suck it up" Hunter said defending me.

She sat down and texted someone as she eyed me .

I looked at her back and smiled as I hugged Hunter while kissing him making her more jealous.

She got up and left with poor Bella behind her.

The bell rang so we can go to our next class.

Hunter and I walked out the cafeteria holding hands.

We went to class and sat down. I saw Grim walked in class and sat beside Brooke .

I turned to look at Hunter and he looked like he wanted to rip out Grim's heart.

I touched him to make him stop looking at him.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yea I'm just worried Grim will try to take you away from me. " he said holding my face.

"Its okay I don't like him I like you"

He stopped worried and pay attention in class.

"Okay class you have an assignment for tonight and bring it back on Monday" the teacher said as she dismissed us.

Hunter and I walked out the classroom as I saw Grim watching us.

I didn't care though. We laughed and smiled on the way.

He offered me a ride home and I got in and left school.


I got home and he kissed me good bye and he left.

I got inside thinking about what Ally is hiding. I went to get my keys and got into my car and drove off to Ally's .

I called her numerous of time but she didn't answer. I pulled up by across the street so she won't see me. I saw her leaving in her car so I decided to follow her.

I drove behind her a little distance so she won't noticed me. She pulled up by some strip club.

Maybe she is meeting a friend.

She got out of the car and went inside. I wait outside a little bit. Then I began to follow her inside. I try to blend in the crowd so she won't see me.

"We have next Ally " the announcer said as Ally came in her stripper clothes..

Oh my god!!holy shit!

Ally danced taking it low on the floor grinding her hands between her vagina turning the men on. She got on the pole and swing on it and dance seductively drawing their attention.

The men throw her money as she picked it up.

After her danced she came off the stage as I went outside to wait for her by her car.

She came towards the car as she saw me her jaw dropped.

"Did you followed me?" She said crossing her arms.

"Yes I had to because I was worrying about you" as I stepped closer to her.

"Well you know now that I'm a stripper " she said as she start to cry.

"Well its okay I won't tell anyone and I won't look at you differently." As I hugged her.

"Okay I trust you" she said as she pulled back.

"No problem your secret is safe with me"

We both waved each other good bye as we drove off home.


End of this chapter.

Wow Ally's a stripper guys .

What will happen next.

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