Chapter 15- The Decision

Start from the beginning

"Harry would have adorable babies too you know! Dimples, emerald green eyes that shine in sunlight and shimmer under the moonlight oh and don't forget the curls I mean who knows what kind of secrets he hides in them" I told Niall, my mouth full of chips while my mind imagined mini versions of Harry and me running around. Niall giggled,

"You better make me the godfather!" He announced loudly before shoving some more popcorn in his mouth.

"Why? So my children send my food bill through the roof? No thanks!" I replied, shaking my head with a smirk on my face, Niall pouted and crossed his arms, making him look like a giant baby with his smooth skin, deep blue eyes and the cutest chubby cheeks I have ever seen.

"AW! Niall! It's okay, you can be the godfather!" I cried, hugging him with all my might, making Niall sad is like making a baby cry, it's just too dreadful to imagine.

"That's what I thought" he mumbled hugging me back, before we both turned our attention back to the movie.

I opened my eyes when I smelt my boyfriend's cologne clogging itself up my nose, I looked up and saw Harry, with a red hand print on his right cheek,

"Harry?" I gasped and lightly place my hand on his right cheek, he flinched a little at my touch but then just left his cheek in my palm as we walked into the guest bedroom I was staying in. He slammed the door with the wing of his foot then gently put me on my bed, I quickly sat up as he sat down and sighed,

"I'm fine; I broke it off with her, she screamed in my face tears and all, and then slapped me really hard. I can see where you get your good backhand from" he chuckled with a small smile on his face; I inched over to him and climbed onto his lap so I could look deep into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" I whispered, tracing my finger lightly around the hand mark, Harry didn't seem to flinch at my touch he actually leaned into it,

"As long as I have you and you are okay, then I am perfectly fine" I smiled at his reply, he grinned back at me and pulled me into his chest while wrapping his long arms around my small figure. I laid my head on his chest and sighed happily, now I can have him all to myself.

"Sorry to interrupt" I heard the voice of my brother and pulled away, I turned my head to see him smiling at me, and he looked perfectly fine as I scanned down his body then back up just to double check.

"I know my body is insanely muscular" he said, pulling his top up to show off his massive six pack, I heard a wolf-whistle from behind me, knowing it was Harry, I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, I swear you are gay Harry"

"If I was gay would I do this" and his lips smashed onto mine, I could feel the urgency in the kiss but also the tender, soft feeling of his lips as they covered over mine.

"Okay I am just going to leave oh and by the way sister, I am fine thanks" I rolled my eyes as I slithered my arms around Harry's neck.

Harry pushed me back on the bed, straddling his legs on each side of my waist, leaning slightly on me but not enough to squish me. I ran my hand through his curls as his tongue explored my mouth, his hands seemed to run through my hair while the other slid under my back and pulled me closer to him. The room was filled with sexual tension, trying to stop now would probably kill me, the heat the Harry's body let off onto mine only made me want him more. I found the hem of his shirt and tugged at it, Harry seemed to see where I was head and sat up, letting me pull his shirt off and threw it at the door, his lips soon returned to mine and the sensation of pure bliss was filling my body up with ecstasy that I have never felt before. Harry's hands had moved once more, they were now roaming my body, one over the top and the other the bottom trying to find the end of my shirt. Once his hand found it, he gripped it tightly and tugged at it, I pulled away and raised my arms, he quickly slipped it off revealing my black lacy bra underneath. He chucked the shirt away and instead of returning to my lips his head went straight for my neck, I bit my lip as Harry's tongue explored my skin, trying to find the sweet spot. I moaned softly when he found it, it was probably an inch away from my collarbone, and he sucked and started to suck.

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