Chapter 7

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Cammie could have been anywhere and by the looks of her skills in deception, she could have been anyone at the game but I knew that I had to find my Gallagher Girl.

It was loud but I had a feeling that she was around here, somewhere.

There was a girl in a tiara and to any other person, they could appreciate the beauty of it but to me, she was annoying and bothersome. She was not pretty to me because she was not Cammie Morgan.

Lots of Gallagher Girls were around, talking to people, getting to know them, playing along and I knew that they were here for a pop quiz.

I saw Jimmy.

Cammie's ex boyfriend.

Okay, so I know that his name is Josh but there is something to be said about making a guy seem a lot less of a threat when you call him by other names that seem so small and insignificant.

I know that Cammie and Josh have a lot of history and though I hate to admit it, he makes me jealous.

But there was one girl that I spotted.

Maybe it was the way she moved and the way she scanned the crowd.

Maybe it was the way her eyes landed on Jimmy and something seem to strike a chord inside of her -I really didn't know what it was but spotting her in the crowd I just knew.

It was Cammie.

Her nutmeg hair was hidden under a dark wig and her eyes were bright blue under colored contacts.

I wanted to stare at her in those ripped up jeans and jean jacket that she wore so perfectly -it was a style that I had never seen on her and immediately I could appreciate the beauty in it.

There was a convertible moving her way but she seemed stuck in a moment, looking at one boy who she had once been with not too long ago -it wasn't ancient history, so I moved toward her and gripped her by her arm -ushering her out of the way.

"What are you doing here, Gallagher Girl?" I gave her a hard look.

"Cove ops assignment, you?" I knew she was lying but to tell you the truth, if I hadn't spoken to Joe the day before -I would have believed her and it would have lulled me into a sense of safety. I didn't like being lied too and especially not by her.

"I thought you weren't supposed to leave the school," I said, out right, there was no point in dragging out the inevitable.

"Yeah, because you're so into sticking around campus these days. Seriously, Zach, do you ever stay at Blackthorne?" She cut her gaze to me.

I didn't answer.

I was Zachary Goode.

The unemotional, untouchable, unpredictable Zach Goode.

I wasn't ready for that to change.

"I had a feeling you might try something like this," I said and that might have been one of the most truthful things I had said to her in months.

Cammie didn't seem to care.

"Just tell me..." My anger seemed to fade away for the first time. "Just tell me you didn't do this to see Jimmy."

I really hoped that she hadn't because I felt something for her that was unpredictable and a little reckless and despite wanting her not to be so reckless, I wanted her to feel the same -to feel what I felt for her and not have a thing for another guy.

"Josh" She corrected but the joke was long over -there was nothing funny about it anymore. There was something underneath all of that that didn't make me smirk or laugh or tease her any further. I just stared at her -I wanted her answer. "No, I'm" Her voice trailed off and somehow, I could believe her, in spite of everything that had ever happened.

Don't Judge a Girl by her Cover: The Untold Story (A Gallagher Girls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now