"Ashy," Luke slurred while sitting down on a curb in the middle of nowhere. The bottle of whiskey still remained in his hand, "I- Are you home- I went to McDonald's and th-" Luke was interrupted hiccuping, "They told me that you weren't there, and then they told they were going to call the cops if I didn't leave," Luke spoke while standing up.

"God-" Ashton said, now fully awake, "Are you drunk?"

"Am I!" Luke yelled loudly, "Sorry- I-"

"Okay, where the hell are you, I'm coming to pick you up," Ashton spoke while getting out of bed and slipping his shoes on.

"McDonald's, down that one road by it- and uh, there's a thrift shop, but they are closed, that's a shame," Luke said with his voice trailing out into a whisper.

"Stay there- don't you dare move, I'm on my way," Ashton said while getting into his car.

He knew exactly where Luke was, and he didn't care about the speed limit as he got onto the road. All he wanted was to make sure Luke was safe with him.

"Okay Daddy," The blond said, making Ashton almost drop his phone.

"Wait- What did you say?" But it was too late, the sixteen year old had already hung up.


"God Luke," Ashton said. Luke was laying on the park bench, taking a sip of the whiskey when Ashton had finally spotted him, "Come on, it's freezing out here," Ashton spoke while taking the bottle from Luke and tossing it into a nearby bin, shaking his head as Luke attempted to retrieve it, "No, Luke." He spoke sternly, making Luke blush.

The hazel eyed boy looked down at Luke and frowned, his lips were trembling and they looked almost blue. Without hesitating, Ashton slipped off his rugged leather jacket and helped Luke into it.

"I- I went to mcdo- but you- they said you weren't there- and-" Ashton silenced Luke by guiding him towards the car.

"P-please don't take me home, I don't want to be there," Luke spoke as he climbed into the passenger side.

The thought of going home now didn't seem all that bad, it was just the fact that by the time Luke sobers up, he will be so guilt ridden and will end up telling his mom about how he drank. Also, Luke just wanted to be with Ashton, it was obvious that the man was concerned about the boy and had no intentions of leaving him alone- drunk or sober.

"We're going to go to my place, alright," Ashton said while getting into the drivers side of the car, "Then you can sleep this o-"

"No!" Luke interrupted.

Ashton raised an eyebrow, he was certain Luke was exhausted, and probably felt sick as well, whiskey was never a good choice of drink, not when you're as lightweight as Luke at least. Ashton felt a plentiful amount of sympathy as he thought about how hungover the boy was going to be the next morning.


"I want cuddles," Luke slurred while rubbing his eyes, "And you."

Ashton bit his lip to refrain from smiling because the boy next to him was so innocent, even intoxicated. He knew that Luke wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, or at least not all of it.

Luke lightly smiled while fiddling with his finger, a small laugh manged to slip through his lips, making Ashton shake his head, also smiling. The hazel eyed boy chuckled, wondering exactly what the drunken one was thinking at the moment.

Ashton placed a hand firmly on Luke's thigh, trying to draw his attention, "I am never sleeping again," Luke slurred, making Ashton laugh.

"Really now?"

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