Chapter 14

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"Where are we going?" Luke asked from the passenger seat, his knee bouncing slightly, making it obvious that he was excited, he was impatient. Ashton chuckled, eyeing the boy up and down with a smile filled with admiration, "It's a surprise, you'll find out soon, baby boy."

The blonde blushed at the pet-name, before slumping down in his seat. He blew a puff of air from his mouth in annoyance, not liking that Ashton wouldn't reveal the secret, "Luke doesn't like surprises." He whined, "You can just tell him."

Ashton pressed his lips in a light smile, "Luke will just have to be a good boy and be patient," He spoke while placing his hand on the younger boy's knee, using his thumb to feel the soft fabric of his jeans, the other one gripping the steering wheel.

"What was stopping you 10 minutes ago?"

Ashton just shook his head, a sly smile plastered across his face.

The younger boy has always been impatient, about everything. Whether it was finding out what the homework was going to be, what he was going to be eating for dinner, or even the stupidest thing, waiting to take a shower. Luke hated to wait, he felt that there doesn't have to be an exact time put on everything. If you wanted to do something then why should you wait it out? This was something that usually got Luke into trouble, he would complain his parents ears off about waiting. Ashton didn't seem to mind though.

"Alright Lukey, what's your favorite song?"

Luke pouted as he tried to think, "One song? There's so many songs out there though!"

"How many do you think there are?"

Ashton knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to get Luke's mind to settle down a bit so he wouldn't be so antsy. This was a trick Ashton's mother had played numerous times as the boy grew up.

"There's gotta be a least 100."

Ashton let out a laugh, a real laugh, not one of those fake ones that his mother pulled out in times like this. Not a laugh that is filled with secret doubt and disapproval. A real one, filled with passion and praise.

"Well, you aren't wrong." Ashton spoke, "Could you try to pick one?"

Luke took a breath, "I like the Beauty and the Beast one, you know, when they're dancing," A small smile was placed on Luke's face as he said that, "It calms me down."

"Music is beautiful like that." Ashton spoke.

Both of the two adored music with their entire heart, they loved how things that you would never be able to talk about, could be explained through lyrics and instruments. Music was like medicine, it was probably more effective, it had the power to turn at bad day into a good one, and both were forever grateful to have that remedy.


If you looked into Luke's eyes you could see the happiness that laid across them. Luke was probably the happiest he had ever been as he stood in that store. Yes, it was insanely cliche, and it might have been a bit risky for Ashton to bring him here, but it was all worth it since it made Luke happy.

The store was made for kids, there was no denying that, seeing that they were all running around. The walls had shelves filled with stuffed animals. The middle of the store housed isles of candy. This is what Luke imagined heaven to look like, "Wow," He spoke.

It never took much to excite Luke, he always found beauty in everything. Even objects that others who have grown so used to them would just ignore, like how the sky is blue or how the leaves fall to the ground. Luke thought it was all beautiful. Life was a beautiful, Luke always tried to remember, even during times of hardship.

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