Chapter 8

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(Trigger warning (abuse))

Luke sat at the end of Jack's bed, waiting for the moment he would open his eyes. Jack was so pale that his skin almost looked translucent, like you could see each artery and vessel blossoming beneath the surface. The veins in the older man's arms were so prominent that they resembled street maps, going in millions of different directions. There were multiple IVs placed in the man's arm, making Luke frown while slightly tracing his fingers up the clear tubes.

"What are you doing?" Jack grumbled as the younger boy had awaken him from his slumber. Jack rubbed at his eyes, trying to process the bright room.

"H-how are you?" Luke asked timidly and almost inaudible, scared Jack was still sensitive from just waking up.

"Dying of cancer, like always," Jack spoke harshly, but quickly frowned as he saw Luke's sad expression, "Sorry Luke, I'm just tired of all of this," He finished.

Luke scratched at the back of his neck, bowing his head slightly so his brother couldn't see into his eyes , before lightly mumbling, "Being negative isn't going to help anything," He spoke quietly.

"And being positive is going to cure me? Man, if I would've known that I would have been screaming "I love cancer" down these hospital halls months ago," Jack said sarcastically.

Luke pouted, he hated how negative his brother was about his illness. No, being positive wasn't going to cure him, but he only had a a few months left to live, he didn't need a doctor to tell him that one. And Luke knew most certainly that if he was dying, he would make the most out of his last few months instead of being a constant ray of negativity. He somewhat understood why Jack was acting the way he was, but he still hated it.

Once Jack realized Luke wasn't going to say anything, he spoke up, "Mom said you went to Calum's house? Didn't know you and him were still friends?" Jack said, but it came out more like a question.

Luke tried his hardest to conceal his smile, because he didn't want any of his family to find out about his little secret, things got around quick and he wasn't prepared for everyone's reaction. He knew for a fact that his parents would be far from supportive, there was no doubt on that. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop a wide grin from spreading across his face. Jack raised eyebrows in amusement and curiosity.

"Are you dating him?" Jack asked loudly, making Luke cringe.

"God, could you keep it down, and no, not him," Luke spoke while glancing at the door, making sure no one had silently joined in on their conversation.

His plans to keep quiet about it have gone to waste, he had to tell someone. Jack most likely wouldn't tell anyone, he didn't hate Luke that much. Luke knew most definitely that Jack had some common sense and would know not to tell anyone in the family. Jack would probably keep it from his family after dropping small hints just to annoy them even more. That was something Jack liked to do, it is hard to keep yourself entertained when you are dying in a hospital.

"Wow, wait a minute," Jack said while covering his face a he let out a loud laugh, "Did you lie to Mom about going to Calum's?" Jack asked Luke, but didn't have to wait for his response because his face said it all, "Oh my god, where the hell did you go? Dude, spill everything," Jack said while sitting up on his elbows, giving his full attention.

Luke's entire family had known he was gay since he had announced it at Christmas dinner two years back. It wasn't a forgettable moment, seeing that the boy had burst into tears as he realized that he wasn't one bit attracted to girls and he thought he was going to hell. His grandparents, father, and a few of his cousins had just left the room in disgust, which just made things worse for Luke. But his Mother and a few other relatives were there to comfort him with his confession.

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