Chapter 1

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Three years before.

He was staring at the ceiling as his vision clouded in and out. His mind was a blur as a Disney movie played softly in the background of his almost asleep state. In his mouth was his thumb, which was hidden by the giant stuffed animal resting against his face. He was not four, but thirteen.

"He's a freak," His father spat down the hall at his mother.

Liz stood there astonished, Luke was definitely different, but he was not a freak. He had a bad past and went through hell, the doctors were surprised that the boy even spoke. He wasn't supposed to talk, at least that's what the doctor said. They had claimed that because of the trauma, he would most likely be mute for the rest of his life. But then on his seventh birthday, after two years of silence, he finally spoke.

"Why don't we just send him to a therapist?" Andy spoke, making Liz's skin crawl.

They were whispering, in fear that they would wake Luke up, and they most certainly did not want that to happen.

"A psychiatrist isn't going to fix what happened," Liz whispered, "No doctor can fix this, only Luke can, and he won't do it until he's ready." She yelled, but not loud yelling, it

"No one is ever going to fall in love with him if he continues this bullshit!" Andy screamed, this time not caring.

His voice was like a car alarm, giving no warning as it echoed through the house, bouncing off the walls and into Luke's ear.

If only they had known what the future held.

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