Chapter 11

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Luke kicked his legs, closing his eyes as the wind pushed his hair over his face. The sound of faint young laughter filled his ears, making a smile take up a large remainder of his face. He loved going to the park, it was something that made him feel as if he was still a child- and that feeling made him blissful.

A small push on his back made him gasp. He had come alone to the park, his parents stopped going with him once he turned eleven because apparently he was to old to still be going, which Luke thought to be complete bullshit, there isn't an age limit for enjoying yourself. Quite frankly, no mater what Luke did his parents would judge him. If he stays home and in his comfort zone, he is lazy and needs to get out more. When he actually does go out- which is never more than a for walk or to be with Ashton, but they didn't know about the last part- they tell him needs to be home with his family more.

The boy didn't understand that, he didn't even think there was that much of a family. Family was supposed to be there for you, Luke had realized at this point all they were doing is pushing each individual away

Luke turned his head around to see who the hell was pushing him, "Wha- Ashton!" Luke immediately put his foot down in attempt to stop the swing.

Ashton had hardly talked to Luke since the morning after the boy had confessed everything, even then it was just him dropping the younger one off at his house, barely any communication. Luke didn't remember anything that happened, which didn't surprise Ashton, he was extremely drunk. Meanwhile, Ashton was freaking out trying to figure out what to do with the information. Not so much what to do, it was how to do it. Ashton knew what he needed and wanted to do, but he didn't want to embarrass Luke by bringing it up, but he knew that he needed to do it. The two had texted that morning, but it was nothing more than small talk, seeing that Ashton didn't want to overwhelm Luke or anything.

He couldn't look at Luke the same after that night, he knew Luke's darkest secret, and Luke wasn't even aware of it. Ashton knew he wanted to help the boy, he just didn't know where to start.

"What are you doing here?" Luke spoke while starting to get up.

Ashton smiled down at the shorter boy, "Sit down, I'm gonna push you," Ashton spoke, making Luke blush but do as he was told.

Luke always had this feeling he couldn't distinguish when he was around Ashton, it was like a constant frenzy of butterflies at war in his stomach. Everything the older boy said or did made Luke blush and feel giddy all over. Ashton didn't even have to try, which made Luke feel almost jealous seeing that he had to think out and rehearse his words as if they were lines from a terrible play.

The twenty year old lightly grabbed onto the chains and started to push Luke, "You told me you were going to the park, so I thought I'd stop by," Ashton admitted.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Luke's mouth knowing that even though he was a bit weird, Ashton still for some reason wanted to talk to him. It made him feel like for once in his life he wasn't unwanted. Most guys would find the fact that he was childish to be odd and a major turnoff, but it intrigued Ashton.

Before Luke could reply, Ashton already did, "How'd you recover from that hangover?"

Luke pouted, feeling ashamed of himself, "Badly, my mom thought I was sick and she got all mad at me telling me that I couldn't miss school." He spoke. Ashton just kept pushing him without talking, "Why are you doing this?" Luke asked quietly.

"You really don't remember? Do you Luke?"

"Remember what?" Luke questioned, he was half tempted to look back at Ashton to search for the answer in his eyes, but instead he fiddled with his fingers instead.

Ashton stopped pushing Luke, which made the younger one frown. The hazel eyed boy patted Luke's back gently, which caught Luke by surprise making a squeal fall from his lips. A blush coated his cheeks, but Ashton didn't even seemed fazed.

"We need to talk about something, Lukey." Ashton spoke while sitting down on the swing next to Luke.

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