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Wolfs P.O.V

"Mom! I promise im gonna come over today!" I yell into the phone as I'm taking a shower

"Ok, good. I made blueberry muffins for you by the way." my mom Nessa replies. My eyes go wide and I start doing my happy/victory dance, in the shower.

'Yes, I have a victory dance. Doesn't everyone?'

"Alright best mom ever, ill be over sooner than expected now. Ill see you then" I say happily 

"Good, Ill see you then my little Wolf"

I get out of the shower and hang up the phone and I start blow drying my hair quickly. Today is the day off for all initiates so I don't have to go and train them, so I'm taking advantage of it. I slip on my ripped black skinny jeans, a tight black crop top that shows my belly button ring and my old combat boots and put my hair into a messy bun.

As I'm putting on minimal makeup I hear a bang at the door

'What the fuck? Humans annoy me.'  I think as I go downstairs 

I look through the peep-hole and I see both Mai and Jake standing on opposite sides of the door wearing masks as if I wouldn't see them.

'Those little pansycakes, trying to scare me again... it won't work' I smirk as I hide behind the door

I open the door slowly so neither of them would see me.

"BOO-" both of the idiots scream

"What the fuck? She has a door opening system now? Cool." Jake exclaims as they both stare at each other in awe 

I quickly grab onto the top of the door and I hang from it 

"BOOO!" I scream, both of them scream like little girls and clinging onto each other like life depends on it

"HAHA, you guys' screams are pathetic, HAHA" I laugh as I jump down from the door, fixing my hair once again.

"So not funny!" Jake whines as Mai takes off her mask

"You made me hold him!" Mai yells as she pushes Jake aside 

'Friendship... what a wonderful thing' 

"Anyways, ill excuse your rudeness this time. What you up to?" Jake says as he snatches a apple from my fruit basket and bites into it

"Going to my moms" I say simply while stuffing a pocket knife into my boot

'What? I gotta have my knives at all times, I feel naked without them'

"Nessa! I love her!" Mai exclaims

"She's way calmer than you Wolf." Jake mutters, I shoot a glare his way

"Can we go?" Jake says pulling his best puppy dog face

"Sure, just know that face doesn't work on me" I say while walking out the apartment 

'Muffins, here I come'  


On my way to my moms apartment I see Eric turning the corner, he winks in my direction and I smile back forgetting that Mai and Jake are beside me. But then, I mouth 'See you later' to Eric and he smirks.

"Wolf" Eric greets

"Eric" I say back

As soon as Eric is out of sight Mai starts making kissing noises and Jake starts poking my arm saying "OH LA LA"

"Stop or you both will be sent to the fence" I say coldly, the both immediately stop and I smirk

"Have you guys kissed yet?" Mai whispers, I literally face-palm and stare at her like she's stupid

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