The Stiff Did What?!

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Erics P.O.V

Left hook, right hook, uppercut left, kick

I repeat this pattern forcefully on the punching bag, but im secretly imagining it as my father... I know its cruel, but its undeniably true. The punching bag swings back and forth. My head pounds from my hangover that I have but I just ignore it and just move forward.

Then I realize there is a presence behind me.

'Hopefully its Wolf' I think to myself as I take a glance over my shoulder, I then see Hunter eyeing me.

"Did Wolf teach you that?" Hunter asks curiously

"No, I taught it to myself. Why do you ask?" I say turning to attack the punching bag again.

"She has the same fighting style as you, quick and strong. Keep it up nose" Hunter praises as he walks away to observe the other initiates.

'Same fighting style huh? Its looks like we have more in common than I think'

I begin attacking the punching bag again practicing for todays fights. I had to win todays fight in order to at least guarantee a spot being #1 on the rankings.

A few minutes later the door slams open loudly, everyone's head snaps toward the sound.

Its Wolf, she is wearing a cut- off black shirt revealing her v-line and the start of her toned stomach and a pair of black joggers with red zippers on the sides with a pair of sneakers.

'Im guessing she was at a intense leader training that I heard that all leaders had to do. She still looks really hot, even without trying. She's just naturally beautiful.' I think

She then gives her signature glare at everyone. We all look away and continue what we were doing. I look at her through the corner of my eye and see her walking over to Hunter.

"Initiates! Look at who you will be fighting today" Wolf announces pointing over to a board filled with names.

Alex vs. James

Claire vs. Louis

Eli vs. Beatrice

Henry vs. Alexandra

Madison vs. Michael

Lucy vs. Rosie

Tobias vs. Eric

'Fuck, that Stiff is gonna be hard to beat. This is not going to turn out well... for either of us.'

Wolfs P.O.V

"Alex and James, step up to the mat" I announce

I catch Erics eyes and gestures for him to stand next to me and make sure no one notices it. He walks over and he stands over next to me, with our arms meeting for about a second. When they both start fighting I speak up.

"He fights like you, almost exactly the same. Im not gonna lie this is gonna be difficult for both of you since you two are very advanced. Just like I said, distract him and I think you will be fine." I whisper over to him

'I don't want to see him to lose, I want him to be successful and to be happy with his ranking... wait what?' Hunters voice takes me out of my thoughts.

"Winner, Alex!" Hunter yells as I circle Alex's name on the chart.

"Claire and Louis on the mat!" I announce, I could feel Eric tense next to me since his fight is nearing. I squeeze his shoulder lightly in reassurance, I feel him look at me and through the corner of his eye I see him smile a bit.

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