Welcome To Dauntless

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Wolfs P.O.V

I leap off of the ledge doing a front flip and smile in delight as I look up at the crystal blue sky with minimal clouds in it. Suddenly my daydream is stopped because I feel my back collide with the net

"Stupid Net" I groan

"Don't call the net stupid, the net is the lord..." Jake says as he helps me out, I just laugh quietly making sure that the initiates don't hear me.

"I have to go back to the control room... Go be a bad ass leader Wolf, scare the shit out of them for me" Jake says while grinning

"I have no problem with, that! See ya Jake!"

"Bye Wolf" Jake says as he walks away

I turn around and see Eric scowling at the back of Jakes head,

'What did Jake say this time' I think while shaking my head

"INITIATES" I yell loudly to get their attention

"We are going to be taking a tour of the Dauntless compound. Since the Dauntless- born already know where everything is you guys can go with Lauren and Niko. Transfers come with me and Hunter". All of the Dauntless born let out a relieved sigh and head off with Lauren and Niko.

"Any questions before we go?" Hunter asks

"What kind of name is Wolf? I thought that was an animal not a girl..." a Candor girl says and smirks at me.

'Oh hell no...' I think.

In a split second I was standing in front of her glaring coldly down at her petite figure... she wasn't gonna get off that easy.

"Whats your name" I say coldly

"Ma-Ma- Madison" she stuttered looking away from my intense eyes

"Ok, Ma-Ma- Madison from Candor" I mimicked just like I did when I said Erics name

" In order to stay in Dauntless in one piece I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I stitch it shut for you, things like that will make you get kicked out of Dauntless. It would be an honor for me to kick you out myself since I already dislike you, BUT I'm deciding to let you stay since you were only here for about 3 minutes. Another slip up like that your faction less. Got that?" I say ruthlessly while still glaring down at her.

"Got it" she whispers

"Good! Any more questions?" I say while giving a death glare at the wide eyed initiates, even Hunter is scared. They all murmured a 'No'. I gesture for Hunter to start the tour, and he does.

'Ha, I love being leader'

I smirk to myself as I drift to the back of the group.

Erics P.O.V

'Holy shit... ill remind myself NOT to make Wolf upset' i think to myself.

I saw Wolf drift to the back of the group, I thought about going to talk to her but thats not a good idea right now. I don't really pay attention to the tour since I'm glancing back at Wolf every now and then.

"Wolf, your turn" Hunter says to Wolf, as she walks her way up she makes sure to give a glare to everyone as she passes by.

"Now its time for the dorms..." Wolf and Hunter smirk at each other as Wolf opens a door.

"Welcome to the place you will be staying in for the next couple weeks" Wolf says while glancing at every bed

"Boys or Girls?" a Amity girl asks

Wolf (an Eric Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now