New people

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New chapter! I hope you all enjoy it!


As I walk through the doors I see a whole bunch of new people! There seems to be about some girls that are my age, younger kids, and more.

And might I add some pretty cute boys!

I run up to Glenn.

"Hey Glenn..where in the world do all these people come from?!"

"Oh we told the people of Woodbury what the governor was really like and they all came with us. We can't leave that many people with that man."He explains.

"But wait, where Andrea? Wasn't she in Woodbury? Where is she?"I started to get nervous, and waited for Glenn to answer.
I looked up at him, he looked at me with his mouth slightly hanging open, hand resting on his head.

"Glenn tell me! Glenn please!"I started to tear up because I knew what was coming.

"Look Lauren, she didn't make it." Glenn said, scratching the back of his head.

The tears started to pour out of my eyes. I didn't know what to do I just stood there and cried.

Glenn was trying to comfort me but that would not help. And then Maggie came over and insisted I took a walk with her.

I finally agreed and I walked out of the prison with her at my side.

Carl's pov:

(Woot woot! I am changing it up a bit haha)

Two week later:

I really am starting to enjoy the company of the people from Woodbury they are very friendly and I became very fond of this one girl Brittany.

She was like my twin but in girl form!

She has brown hair with glowing green eyes. I could see that Lauren was getting jealous but she was trying to hide it.

I am into Lauren but she hates me so, the relationship would never work out. But Lauren and Brittany are getting along pretty well I see them always laughing and talking well they help around the prison.

Also I made some friends that are boys, one of them is a 14 year old named Kyle with black saggy hair and brown eyes.

And he is only 2" taller than me.

Kyle come over to me and breaks up my thoughts.

"Hey Carl" he says.

"I can see that you like Lauren. Why don't you ask her out or something. I mean this is the zombie apocalypse you can basically do whatever you want to."

"I would.." I say looking down to the floor swinging my foot a little bit. "But she hates me with a burning passion!" I yell out.

"Well Brittany and I are dating so I was th-"I cut him off.

"Wait what did you say?"I say as I look at Kyle.

"That Brittany and I are dating." He repeats slower.

"Oh" I mumble.

But in my head I am thinking well there it goes.

I sigh.

"Well I will think about asking her out. But don't be surprised if I end up with bruises all over" I say.

Kyle laughs.

"Look Carl she may have not admitted it but she like you a lot. Have you seen the way she looks at you?" Kyle says

"Well no actually" I say.

"Well maybe I will ask her out!" I say with more confidence in my voice.

"That's it you da man"Kyle says punching my arm slightly.

I laugh.

"Well it is time for me to go to bed it is like 11 and I am really tired." I yawn

"Well goodnight Carl" he says as he walks into Brittany's and his cell.

I walk up the stairs to Lauren's and My cell. I can see she is still awake as I walk in, well this is my chance. I say to myself.

"Hey um Lauren." I say.

"I was um wondering you know we are in the zombie apocalypse and stuff if um maybe you would like too.. ahh-"

"Spit it out Carl! What do you want to say!" She says to me.

"I was wondering you wanted to go out with me!?" I spit it out really quickly looking up at her face waiting for an answer.

/// hmm what do you think Lauren is going to say? Are they going to keep holding back their relationship or are they going to date hmm! But you shall find out in the next chapter!

Kisses and Disses

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