Long Live The King

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"Gio!" I said running up to him and attacking him in a large hug. I squeezed him tight before letting go of him. "My, my, it seems like you get handsomer every time I see you." I said patting his face. He laughed hardily before shaking his head.

"I would say that you get more beautiful every time I see you, but you've always been beyond gorgeous and for God to bless you even more would be unfair to everyone else." He said before kissing my cheek. "And you better stop calling guys handsome before your fiancé gets jealous." He added winking at me.

"That, my friend, is a very true statement." I said giggling.

"And Vince, my man. I missed my partying buddy." Gio said punching Jerry's arm causing Jerry to chuckle.

"Sometimes people need to take breaks from partying." Jerry said teasingly.

"Bullshit. There is no break. We're only young once, this is the time to party." Gio said using wild hand gestures.

"This is true. You are right my friend." Jerry said nodding.

"I am always right. You should know that by now." Gio said smirking. "Come comrades. Let us go somewhere more private to chat, ey?" Gio said suggestively.

"Let's." I said following Gio through the ballroom and out into a secluded garden area outside. We sat at an outside table looking at each other.

"Ok serious shit right now. Alex told me you guys left. What the fuck?" Gio said looking at both Jerry and I. Jerry and I shared a look. "Don't look at each other like that! I swear, if I didn't know any better I would very much believe that you guys were twins who can telepathically speak to each other. I still think you guys can communicate through your minds, so no looking at each other. Straight up tell me what the fuck happened. Alex said you up and left." Gio said seriously. I sighed before nodding.

"We did leave, but we didn't just up and leave. It took a lot of thought and planning. It was hard getting the will to leave you know?" Jerry said slowly.

"You guys had everything going for you here. You guys had steady, well paying jobs. You had friends. You had a life. Ela, you were engaged to be married. Are you telling me Alex and you broke up or something? It can't be, you're still wearing his ring. A ring I helped him design for you by the way." Gio said as his eyes settled on me.

"I can't really explain it Gio. We had unsettled business to finish at home. I mean I knew my dad was alive so that case was closed, but there were things we needed to do at home. First of all we couldn't just sit and let our friends and family go on believing we were dead. We needed to finish school. It didn't feel right staying, but it sure as hell didn't feel right leaving either. Nonetheless we had to do it. I don't regret leaving." I said looking at him simply.

"Are you saying you regretted being here?" Gio asked sounding kind of shocked.

"No, no of course not. We have not once regretted being here. But we haven't regretted being home. I can say that leaving has been quite the journey. It's been hard, and weird. There have been times were I wished that I could come back here and there were time that I was really happy to be home." Jerry said cutting in.

"It's been a constant back and forth. Believe me Gio it has not been easy." I said shaking my head.

"Alright. So what happened?" Gio asked looking between us.

"Well first we lost all our memories." Jerry said simply.

"So we had to fight to get them back. Which meant scavenging all of Europe." I said simply.

"And Quinn came to our school to become our therapist. But she was slowly hypnotizing us or some shit like that to aid in our memory gain. She tried to stimulate the parts of our brain that was hiding all of our memories of this place. And she had made the anecdote into a type of liquid of some sort and would spry the room with it before we came in, as a type of air freshener. But slowly we were starting to regain our memories from her and that." Jerry added.

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