Chapter 11: Revelation, saved from death?

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Soul P.O.V.

It's been one whole day since Black Star, Kid and the others 's been gone. What worries me the most is that Akira guy is with them...I still don't trust thoughts are cut off by Maka's screams.she Must be having those nightmares again, we slept all day,she's been waking and screaming for like five time in a day! I 'm really worried about her, her condition is getting worse, I to have those nightmares and she'd always wake herself up to wake me up and reassure me,I'm doing the same for her, but if our friends don't hurry, we might be gone before they come back.I'm at Maka's bedside and I'm holding her hand.

"Maka"I whisper"Maka wake up..."

She stops her screaming and open her eyes.

"Soul..." She said , tears in her eyes

"It's ok,I'm here"

"Sorry for waking you up..."

"It's ok.don't worry about it"I answer.

"Soul...can I sleep with you for the night, nothing weird. I just think that I would feel more safe if you were with me."

"Sure thing"I said

I lay down, next to her and feel my eyes closing.

Kid P.O.V

I remember what Soul told me before leaving...I have to be careful around Akira....The guy really look suspecious, he insted on coming with us , but why? We have almost arrived at Arachophobia's castle.we just need to rest for the night, since Maka isn't there, Father name me in charge of the's my duty to protect my friends.

"Let's stop for the night"I said.

"That's a great idea, Kid" said Liz

"Hey sis"said Patty"do you think that there's giraffes in this forest?"

"I don't think so, Patty..."answer Liz, looking exasperate.

We settle the camp.We are finish and all of my friends are asleep, and Akira's space is empty , where did he go? I get up and search for him, I finally find him sitting on a big rock looking at the sky.

"Did you want something?" Said Akira, without even turning his face to look at me.

"Not really, but let me ask you one question..."I answer.

"Huh?"He's finaly looking at me

This guy why does he seems so familiar?

"What are you doing here?"I ask

"Helping you finding the remedy, to save Maka and Soul, of course."he answer

"No I mean, what are you doing at the DWNA?, it's pretty obvious that you didn't came here just to help two strangers..."

"Yeah it be nice to know what you are plotting"said an other voice, Black Star.

"Black Star, what are you doing here?"I said.

"I want answers."He answer.

Black Star P.O.V.

I know this guy is hiding something , his presence seems familliar somehow, but why.Something tells me that we are all in danger around this guy.So I want answers.

"Come on I'm waiting for my answer"I said, impatient

"Looks like you guys are less dumb than I thought..."


"Youre right I'm here for a reason...I really want to save Maka, she's important"said Akira

What is this guy talking about.

Soul P.O.V.

I start to open my eyes , that's weird I didn't have any nightmares, what happened ? That's right I'm in Maka 's bed.I grin.But where is Maka? She just desapear.I get up a little panicked, where did she go?I make my way to the door.

Maka P.O.V.

I'm outside and it's raining, I'm sitting in dark corner in the street. Those nightmares keep coming...I needed some fresh air.I didn't want to wake Soul up.He seemed to be sleeping well...I sigh.I hear a voice screaming my name, Soul?I hear footsteps coming this way.

"Maka! There you are!don't desapear like that I was so worried"said Soul

"Sorry I just...needed some fresh aire"

"You keep having nightmares don't you?"

I nod. Soul is sitting besides me , being wet by the rain.

"Soul...I'm really woundering if those nightmares aren't vision.."

" Maka, I promise to you that nobody will die,espacially not you..." Said Soul

I'm sure this is bound to happens and if it is ,wich one of us will die?

Black Star P.O.V.

We are in our way to Arachnophobia's castle again.Since our little conversation with Akira, I'm in a bad mood that guy is even more suspicious than I thought.What is he planning to do with Maka...

Soul P.O.V.

Maka is stading there , crying on my shoulder, this must be hard for her.

"Maka was it the same nightmare,that you've been having since the incident with Akira?" I ask

"No this one was different,I saw..."

She's stay silent

"What did you saw Maka?"I ask curious

"I saw...Him."she look into my red eyes"I saw Master's real face."

Tsubaki P.O.V.

The boys are acting strange today, I wounder whats going on . But now we have to focus on the mission, our friends need us!I 'm determinate to help them, no matter what! We now entering the castle...I have a bad feeling about this.

Maka P.O.V.

It's been 30 minutes since we departed from Death city, our friends are in danger!Soul and I have to hurry , were the only one who can save them.


"Who is it Maka?" Ask Soul

"I don't know how it's possible, but there's no doubt about it, Master is in fact...Kishin, Asura."

-end flashback-


Bet you didn ' t saw this coming 😎

Chapter 12 coming soon

The story is almost over😭

Everything Will make sense in the next chapter, I promise(since when do I make sense?)anyway hope you liked this chapter

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